Monday, May 5, 2008


英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Benign neoplasm of breast 乳房良性腫瘤 217 217
Benign neoplasm of skin 皮膚良性腫瘤 216.9 216.9
Breast tumor 乳房腫瘤 239.3 239.3
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.9 214.9
Benign neoplasm of connective tissue 結締組織良性腫瘤 215.9 215.9

Goiter 甲狀腺腫 240.9 240.9
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺功能亢進 242.90 242.90
Diabetes mellitus(no complication) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Hematemesis 嘔血 578.0 578.0
Gastrointestinal bleeding 腸胃道出血 578.9 578.9
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Functional gastrointestinal disturbance 功能性胃腸障礙 536.9 536.9
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 571.40 571.40
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 591 591
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7

Breast fibroadenosis 乳房纖維腺腫大 610.2 610.2
Mastitis 乳腺炎 611.0 611.0
Lump or mass in breast 乳房硬塊 611.72 611.72

Paronychia, finger 手指甲溝炎 681.02 681.02
Paronychia, toe 腳趾甲溝炎 681.11 681.11
Carbuncles and furuncles 癰,癤 680.9 680.9
Paronychia 甲溝炎 681.9 681.9
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Clavus 雞眼 700 700
Keloid 瘢痕疙瘩 701.4 701.4
Sebaceous cyst 皮脂腺囊腫 706.2 706.2

Lumbago 腰酸痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Back pain 背部疼痛 724.5 724.5
Frozen shoulder 冰凍肩 726.0 726.0
Fibrositis 纖維組織炎 729.0 729.0
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Myofascial pain syndrome 肌膜痛症候群 729.1 729.1
Fasciitis 筋膜炎 729.4 729.4
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Baker's cyst 貝克氏囊腫 727.51 727.51
Cervicalgia 頸椎痛 723.1 723.1
Pain in thoracic spine 胸椎痛 724.1 724.1
Coccyx pain 尾椎痛 724.79 724.79
Tendinitis 肌腱炎 727.00 727.00
Trigger finger(acquired) 扳機指 727.03 727.03
Tendinitis, hand and wrist 手及手腕肌腱炎 727.05 727.05
Tendinitis, foot and ankle 足及踝肌腱炎 727.06 727.06

Foreign body in respiratory tract 呼吸道內異物 934.9 934.9
Foreign body in digestive system 消化道內異物 938 938

Burn 燙傷 949.0 949.0
Burn of eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官之燒傷 940.9 940.9
Burn of face and head 頭臉部燒傷 941.00 941.00
Burn of lower limb 下肢燒傷 945.00 945.00
Burn of trunk 軀幹燒傷 942.00 942.00
Burn of upper limb 上肢燒傷 943.00 943.00
Burn of wrist and hand 手、腕部燒傷 944.00 944.00

Brain concussion 腦震盪 950.9 950.9
Contusion 挫傷 924.9 924.9
Contusion of abdomen 腹部挫傷 922.2 922.2
Contusion of back 背部挫傷 922.3 922.31
Contusion of buttock 臀部挫傷 922.3 922.32
Contusion of chest 胸部挫傷 922.1 922.1
Contusion of flank 腰部挫傷 922.2 922.2
Contusion of head 頭部挫傷 920 920
Contusion of kidney 腎挫傷 866.01 866.01
Contusion of liver 肝臟挫傷 864.01 864.01
Contusion of lower extremity 下肢挫傷 924.5 924.5
Contusion of neck 頸部挫傷 920 920
Contusion of shoulder 肩膀挫傷 923.00 923.00
Contusion of spleen 脾部挫傷 865.01 865.01
Contusion of upper extremity 上肢挫傷 923.9 923.9

Fracture of clavicle 鎖骨骨折 810.00 810.00
Fracture of femur 股骨骨折 821.00 821.00
Fracture of femur neck 股骨頸骨折 820.8 820.8
Fracture of femur shaft 股骨幹骨折 821.01 821.01
Fracture of fibula 腓骨骨折 823.81 823.81
Fracture of fibula with tibia 腓骨脛骨骨折 823.82 823.82
Fracture of finger 手指骨折 816.00 816.00
Fracture of foot 足部骨折 825.20 825.20
Fracture of hand 手部骨折 815.00 815.00
Fracture of humerus 肱骨骨折 812.20 812.20
Fracture of malleolus 踝骨骨折 824.8 824.8
Fracture of metatarsus 蹠骨骨折 825.25 825.25
Fracture of nose 鼻骨骨折 802.0 802.0
Fracture of patella 臏骨骨折 822.0 822.0
Fracture of pelvis 骨盆腔骨折 808.8 808.8
Fracture of radius 橈骨骨折 813.81 813.81
Fracture of radius and ulna 橈骨尺骨骨折 813.83 813.83
Fracture of tibia 脛骨骨折 823.80 823.80
Fracture of ulna 尺骨骨折 813.82 813.82
Fracture of vertebra 脊椎骨折 805.8 805.8
Fracture of vertebra with spinal cord injury 脊椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.8 806.8
Fracture (closed) 閉鎖性骨折 829.0 829.0
Fracture (open) 開放性骨折 829.1 829.1

Injury to colon 大腸損傷 863.40 863.40
Injury to gastrointestinal tract 胃腸道損傷 863.80 863.80
Injury to heart 心臟損傷 861.00 861.00
Injury to intra-abdominal organs 腹部器官損傷 868.00 868.00
Injury to kidney 腎臟損傷 866.00 866.00
Injury to liver 肝損傷 864.00 864.00
Injury to pelvic organ 骨盆腔器官損傷 867.8 867.8
Injury to small intestine 小腸損傷 863.20 863.20
Injury to spleen 脾損傷 865.00 865.00
Injury to stomach 胃部損傷 863.0 863.0
Traumatic hemopneumothorax 外傷性血氣胸 860.4 860.4
Traumatic hemothorax 外傷性血胸 860.2 860.2
Traumatic pneumothorax 外傷性氣胸 860.0 860.0

Open wound 開放性傷口 879.8 879.8
Open wound of back 背部開放性傷口 876.0 876.0
Open wound of chest wall 胸壁開放性傷口 875.0 875.0
Open wound of external ear 外耳部開放性傷口 872.00 872.00
Open wound of eyelid 眼瞼開放性傷口 870.8 870.8
Open wound of face 臉部開放性傷口 873.40 873.40
Open wound of finger 手指開放性傷口 883.0 883.0
Open wound of finger with tendon involvement 手指開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 883.2 883.2
Open wound of foot 足部開放性傷口 892.0 892.0
Open wound of foot with tendon involvement 足部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 892.2 892.2
Open wound of forearm 前臂開放性傷口 881.00 881.00
Open wound of forearm with tendon involvement 前臂開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 881.20 881.20
Open wound of hand 手部開放性傷口 882.0 882.0
Open wound of hand with tendon involvement 手部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 882.2 882.2
Open wound of lower extremity 下肢開放性傷口 894.0 894.0
Open wound of lower extremity with tendon involvement 下肢開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 894.2 894.2
Open wound of lower leg 腿部開放性傷口 891.0 891.0
Open wound of lower leg with tendon involvement 腿部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 891.2 891.2
Open wound of scalp 頭皮開放性傷口 873.0 873.0
Open wound of trunk 軀幹開放性傷口 879.6 879.6
Open wound of upper extremity 上肢開放性傷口 884.0 884.0
Open wound of upper extremity with tendon involvement 上肢開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 884.2 884.2
Open wound of wrist 腕部開放性傷口 881.02 881.02
Open wound of wrist with tendon involvement 腕部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 881.22 881.22

Sprain of ankle 踝扭傷 845.00 845.00
Sprain of elbow and forearm 手肘和前臂扭傷 841.9 841.9
Sprain of hand 手扭傷 842.10 842.10
Sprain of hip and thigh 髖及大腿扭傷 843.9 843.9
Sprain of knee and leg 膝及腿部扭傷 844.9 844.9
Sprain of shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂之扭傷 840.9 840.9
Sprain of wrist 腕扭傷 842.00 842.00

Superficial injury 表淺損傷 919.0 919.0
Superficial injury of face 臉部表淺損傷 910.0 910.0
Superficial injury of foot 足部表淺損傷 917.0 917.0
Superficial injury of hand 手部表淺損傷 914.0 914.0
Superficial injury of lower extremity 下肢表淺損傷 916.0 916.0
Superficial injury of thumb 拇指表淺損傷 915.0 915.0
Superficial injury of trunk 軀幹表淺損傷 911.0 911.0
Superficial injury of upper arm 上手臂表淺損傷 912.0 912.0
Superficial injury of upper extremity 上肢表淺損傷 913.0 913.0
Multiple superficial injury 多部位表淺損傷 919.0 919.0

Traumatic amputation of finger 手指外傷性截斷 886.0 886.0
Traumatic amputation of foot 足部外傷性截斷 896.0 896.0
Traumatic amputation of hand 手部外傷性截斷 887.0 887.0
Traumatic amputation of leg(at or above knee) 膝關節以上腿部外傷性截斷 897.2 897.2
Traumatic amputation of leg(below knee) 膝關節以下腿部外傷性截斷 897.0 897.0
Traumatic amputation of thumb 拇指外傷性截斷 885.0 885.0
Traumatic amputation of toe 腳趾外傷性截斷 895.0 895.0

Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Vertigo, dizziness, giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Pyrexia of unknown origin 不明熱 780.6 780.6
Malaise and fatigue 倦怠及疲勞 780.7 780.79
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4
Cough 咳嗽 786.2 786.2
Hemoptysis 咳血 786.3 786.3
Nausea 噁心 787.0 787.02
Vomiting 嘔吐 787.0 787.03
Nausea and vomiting 噁心及嘔吐 787.0 787.01
Renal colic 腎絞痛 788.0 788.0
Dysuria 解尿困難 788.1 788.1
Urinary symptoms 泌尿道症狀 788.9 788.9
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Abdominal mass 腹部腫塊 789.3 789.30
Cachexia 惡病體質 799.4 799.4
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Dyspnea 呼吸困難 786.09 786.09
Chest pain 胸痛 786.50 786.50
Chest tightness 胸悶 786.59 786.59
Urine incontinence 尿失禁 788.3 788.30
Alternation of consciousness 神智改變 780.0 780.09
Syncope 暈厥 780.2 780.2
Edema 水腫 782.3 782.3
Jaundice 黃疸 782.4 782.4
Abnormal loss of weight 體重減輕 783.2 783.2
Throat pain 喉嚨痛 784.1 784.1
Epistaxis 流鼻血 784.7 784.7
Palpitations 心悸 785.1 785.1
Shock 休克 785.50 785.50
Painful respiration 呼吸痛 786.52 786.52
Retention of urine 尿滯留 788.2 788.20
Frequency of urination 頻尿 788.4 788.41
Polyuria 多尿 788.4 788.42
Splenomegaly 脾腫大 789.2 789.2
Abnormal liver function test 肝功能檢驗異常 794.8 794.8
Proteinuria 蛋白尿 791.0 791.0
Death on arrival 到院時死亡 798.9 798.9
Change dressing 換藥 V58.3 V58.3
Stitch abscess 縫線膿瘍 998.5 998.59

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