Monday, May 5, 2008


英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Abscess, cellulitis or lymphadenitis 膿瘍,蜂窩組織炎或淋巴腺炎 682.9 682.9
Acanthosis nigricans 黑棘皮症 701.2 701.2
Acne 痤瘡 706.1 706.1
Actinic keratosis 日光性角化病 702.0 702.0
Alopecia and hair loss 禿 704.00 704.00
Alopecia areata 圓禿 704.01 704.01
Amyloidosis 類澱粉樣變性 277.3 277.3
Angioneurotic edema 血管神經性水腫 995.1 995.1
Angular cheilitis 口角炎 528.5 528.5
Aphthous ulcer 口瘡 528.2 528.2
Balanoposthitis 龜頭包皮炎 607.1 607.1
Basal cell carcinoma 基底細胞癌 173.9 173.9
Bed sore 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Bowen's disease 波文氏病 232.9 232.9
Bullous dermatosis 水泡性皮膚病 694.9 694.9
Burn 燒傷 949.0 949.0
Candidiasis 念珠菌病 112.9 112.9
Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Caterpillar dermatitis 毛蟲皮膚炎 692.89 692.89
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Chloasma 黑斑 ,肝斑 709.0 709.09
Chronic ulcer of lower limb 下肢慢性潰瘍 707.1 707.10
Verruca 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10
Condyloma acuminatum 病毒性尖錐濕疣 078.1 078.11
Congenital anomalies of the integument 外皮畸形 757.9 757.9
Corn and tylosis 雞眼及胼胝 700 700
Dermatitis, generalized(allergic)(contact)(occupational) 全身性,接觸性,職業性之濕疹 692.9 692.9
Dermatitis, artefacta 人工皮膚炎 698.4 698.4
Dermatitis, atopic 異位性皮膚炎 691.8 691.8
Dermatitis, seborrheic 脂漏性皮膚炎 690 690.10
Delusion of parasitosis 寄生蟲忘想症 300.29 300.29
Dermatosis 皮膚疾病 709.9 709.9
Dermatomyositis 皮肌炎 710.3 710.3
Dermatophytosis(Tinea), excluding nail 皮癬菌病 110.9 110.9
Drug eruption 藥物及藥劑所致之皮膚病 693.0 693.0
Dyschromia and pigmentation 異色症 709.0 709.00
Eczema nummulare 錢幣形濕疹 692.9 692.9
Epidermal cyst 表皮囊腫 706.2 706.2
Erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑 695.1 695.1
Erythema nodosum 結節性紅斑 695.2 695.2
Flushing, postmenopausal 潮紅,停經或女性更年期之病狀 627.2 627.2
Folliculitis, pustular 其他毛髮及毛囊疾病 704.8 704.8
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4
Granuloma pyogenicum 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1
Hand, foot and mouth disease 手,足及口病 074.3 074.3
Hematoma and contusion 血腫及挫傷 924.9 924.9
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 054.9 054.9
Herpes zoster, ophthalmicus 眼部帶狀泡疹 053.20 053.20
Herpes zoster, perianal 薦部帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 780.8 780.8
Impetigo 膿痂疹 684 684
Ingrowing nail 內生指(趾)甲 703.0 703.0
Insect bite 昆蟲咬傷 919.4 919.4
Intertrigo 對磨疹 695.89 695.89
Keloid and Hypertrophic scar 蟹足腫及增生瘢痕 701.4 701.4
Keratoderma (congenital) (palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical) 角皮病 757.39 757.39
Lichen pilaris 毛孔苔蘚(毛孔角化症) 757.39 757.39
Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus 苔癬化及慢性單純苔癬 698.3 698.3
Lupus erythematous(discoid) 盤狀紅斑性狼瘡 695.4 695.4
Lupus erythematous(systemic) 全身紅斑性狼瘡 710.0 710.0
Lymphadenopathy 淋巴腺病 785.6 785.6
Melanoma of skin 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤 172.9 172.9
Miliaria(crystallina,rubra,pustulosa) 痱子 705.1 705.1
Milium 粟丘疹 706.2 706.2
Molluscum contagiosum 觸染性軟疣 078.0 078.0
Morphea(guttate; linear) 局限性硬皮症 701.0 701.0
Nail disease 指(趾)甲病 703.9 703.9
Neoplasm, skin, benign (including nevus) 皮膚良性腫廇 216.9 216.9
Neoplasm, scalp, benign 頭皮良性腫瘤 216.4 216.4
Neoplasm, head, malignant 頭部惡性腫瘤 173.4 173.4
Neoplasm, face, benign 臉部良性腫瘤 216.3 216.3
Neoplasm, face, malignant 臉部惡性腫瘤 173.3 173.3
Neoplasm, male genital organs, penis, benign 陰莖,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 222.1 222.1
Neoplasm, penis, malignant 陰莖惡性腫瘤 187.4 187.4
Neoplasm, male genital organs, scrotum, benign 陰囊,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 222.4 222.4
Neoplasm, scrotum, malignant 陰囊惡性腫瘤 187.7 187.7
Neoplasm, skin, malignant 皮膚惡性腫瘤 173.9 173.9
Onychomycosis 甲癬 110.1 110.1
Osmidrosis 臭汗症(狐臭) 705.89 705.89
Panniculitis 脂層炎 729.30 729.30
Paronychia 甲溝炎 681.9 681.9
Pediculosis pubis 陰蝨侵染 132.2 132.2
Pemphigus 天皰瘡 694.4 694.4
Pemphigoid 類天皰瘡 694.5 694.5
Perniosis 凍瘡 991.5 991.5
Pityriasis alba 白糠疹 696.5 696.5
Pityriasis rosea 玫瑰糠疹 696.3 696.3
Pompholyx 掌蹠汗泡疹 705.81 705.81
Postherpetic neuralgia(intercostal) 帶狀泡疹併其他神經系統合併症 053.19 053.19
Prurigo nodularis 結節性癢疹 698.3 698.3
Pruritus and prurigo simplex 皮癢症及單純性癢疹 698.2 698.2
Pregnancy complication 妊娠期併發症,住院為治療產前合併症或狀況 646.93 646.93
Psoriasis 乾癬 696.1 696.1
Pyoderma and bacterial infection of skin 膿皮病及皮膚細菌感染 686.0 686.00
Rosacea 酒渣 695.3 695.3
Scabies 疥癬(疥瘡) 133.0 133.0
Seborrheic keratosis 脂漏性角化病 702.1 702.19
Senile dermatosis and degeneration or calcinosis 皮膚退化疾患 709.3 709.3
Soft fibroma 軟纖維瘤 214.9 214.9
Sunburn 曬傷 692.71 692.71
Syphilis, secondary(skin or mucosa) 第二期(續發性)皮膚或粘膜梅毒 091.3 091.3
Tattoo 紋身 709.0 709.09
Tinea versicolor 變色糠疹(汗斑) 111.0 111.0
Toxic erythema 毒性紅斑 695.0 695.0
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Urticaria, chronic 慢性蕁麻疹 708.8 708.8
Vasculitis 脈管炎 447.6 447.6
Viral exanthemata 病毒性發疹症 057.9 057.9
Vitiligo 白斑 709.0 709.01
Wound 開放性傷口 879.8 879.8

Acute upper respiratory infection 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Arthralgia 關節痛 719.40 719.40
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Functional digestive disorders 功能性腸胃障礙 536.9 536.9
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Hypertension 高血壓 401.9 401.9
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Renal failure, chronic 慢性腎衰竭 585 585

1 comment:

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Intestinal cancer,Kidney cancer,Hpv,Lung cancer,Melanoma,Mesothelioma,Multiple myeloma,Neuroendocrine tumors
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma,Oral cancer,Ovarian cancer,Sinus cancer,Hepatitis A,B/C,Skin cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Stroke,Lupus,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancer,
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