Sunday, May 4, 2008

ICD-9 初步整合

英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 540.9 540.9
Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Acute epiglottitis 急性會厭炎 464.30 464.30
Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MCLS) 急性發熱性黏膜皮膚淋巴結徵候群 446.1 446.1
Acute gastritis 急性胃炎 535.00 535.00
Acute glomerulonephritis 急性絲球腎炎 580.9 580.9
Acute laryngitis 急性喉炎 464.0 464.0
Acute lymphadenitis 急性淋巴腺炎 683 683
Acute renal failure 急性腎衰竭 584.9 584.9
Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 461.9 461.9
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Acute tracheitis 急性氣管炎 464.10 464.10
Acute upper respiratory infections 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Anal fissure 肛門裂 565.0 565.0
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Bronchopneumonia 支氣管性肺炎 485 485
Candidiasis of mouth 口腔念珠菌病 112.0 112.0
Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 682.9 682.9
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸鎖乳突肌之肌肉骨骼變形 754.1 754.1
Chest pain 胸痛 786.50 786.50
Chromosomal anomalies 染色體異常 758.9 758.9
Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 491.9 491.9
Chronic nasopharyngitis 慢性鼻咽炎 472.2 472.2
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Congenital anomaly, unspecified 先天畸形未明示者 759.9 759.9
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 372.30 372.30
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Contact dermatitis and other eczema 接觸性皮膚炎及其他濕疹 692.9 692.9
Convulsions 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Croup 嘶哮 464.4 464.4
Cystitis 膀胱炎 595.9 595.9
Dermatophytosis of the body 體部之髮癬菌病 110.5 110.5
Disorder of metabolism 新陳代謝失調症 277.9 277.9
Down's syndrome 唐氏症候群 758.0 758.0
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Epistaxis 鼻血 784.7 784.7
Erysipelas 丹毒 035 035
Erythematosquamous dermatosis 紅斑鱗狀皮膚病 690 690
Fetal and neonatal jaundice 胎兒及新生兒黃疸 774.6 774.6
Fever of unknown origin 不明熱 780.6 780.6
Frequency of urination 頻尿 788.4 788.41
Polyuria 多尿 788.4 788.42
Functional and undiagnosed cardiac murmurs 功能性及尚未診斷之心雜音 785.2 785.2
Functional disorder of stomach 胃功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Gastroenteritis and colitis 胃腸炎及大腸炎 558.9 558.9
Hand, foot and mouth disease 手,足及口病 074.3 074.3
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Helminthiasis 蠕虫病 128.9 128.9
Hemangioma 血管瘤 228.00 228.00
Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract 胃腸道出血 578.9 578.9
Hepatitis 肝炎 070.9 070.9
Herpangina 泡疹性咽峽炎 074.0 074.0
Herpetic gingivostomatitis 泡疹性齒齦口腔炎 054.2 054.2
Hydrocele 陰囊水腫 603.9 603.9
Impetigo 膿泡性 684 684
Infantile cerebral palsy 嬰兒腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9
Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis 感染性大腸炎,腸炎及胃腸炎 009.0 009.0
Influenza with other respiratory manifestations 流行性感冒併其他呼吸道表徵 487.1 487.1
Inguinal hernia, unilateral or unspecified 單側或未明示之腹股溝疝氣 550.90 550.90
Intestinal obstruction 腸阻塞 560.9 560.9
Intestinal parasitism 腸道寄虫病 129 129
Lack of expected normal physiological development 生長遲緩 783.4 783.4
Malnutrition 營養不良 263.9 263.9
Mental retardation 智能不足 319 319
Mumps 流行性腮腺炎 072.9 072.9
Mycoses 黴菌病 117.9 117.9
Nephrotic syndrome 腎徵候群 581.9 581.9
Open wound of head 頭部開放性傷口 873.8 873.8
Open wound of lower limb 下肢開放性傷口 894.0 894.0
Open wound of upper limb 上肢開放性傷口 884.0 884.0
Osteoarthrosis 骨關節病 715.90 715.90
Health counseling 健康諮詢 V65.4 V65.40
Infection specific to the perinatal period 周產期之特殊傳染病 771.8 771.8
Nonthrombocytopenic purpuras 非血小板缺乏性紫斑症 287.2 287.2
Congenital anomaly 先天畸形 759.89 759.89
Otitis media 中耳炎 382.9 382.9
Pharyngoconjunctival fever 咽結膜熱 077.2 077.2
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Preterm immaturity 早產兒 765.10 765.10
Redundant prepuce and phimosis 包皮過長及包莖 605 605
Routine general medical examination at a health care facility 在保健機構的一般常規醫學檢查 V70.0 V70.0
Shigellosis 志賀桿菌病 004.9 004.9
Shock 休克 785.50 785.50
Speech disturbance 語言障礙 784.5 784.5
Sprains and strains 扭傷及拉傷 848.9 848.9
Streptococcal sore throat 鏈球菌性咽喉炎 034.0 034.0
Stridor 喘鳴 786.1 786.1
Anomaly of heart 心臟畸形 746.9 746.9
Urethritis 尿道炎 597.80 597.80
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Varicella 水痘 052.9 052.9
Ventricular septal defect 心室中隔缺陷 745.4 745.4
Viral exanthem 病毒性發疹性 057.9 057.9
Viral meningitis 病毒所致之腦膜炎 047.9 047.9

Cardiac dysrhythmia (arrhythmia) 心律不整 427.9 427.9
Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛氏四合症 745.2 745.2
Ventricular septal defect 心室中隔缺損 745.4 745.4
Ostium secundum type atrial septal defect (patent foramen ovale) 第二洞型心房中隔缺損 (開放性卵圓孔) 745.5 745.5
Congenital heart disease 先天性心臟病 746.9 746.9
Patent ductus arteriosus 開放性動脈導管 747.0 747.0
Undiagnosed cardiac murmurs 未診斷之心雜音 785.2 785.2
Shock 休克 785.50 785.50

Light-for-dates (small-for-dates) 體重不足 764.00 764.00
Preterm infants (1000-2499 g or 28-37 week) 早產兒 765.10 765.10
Disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn (hyperthermia in newborn) 新生兒體溫調節異常 (新生兒體溫過高) 778.4 778.4
Lack of expected normal physiological development (failure to gain weight, failure to thrive) 缺乏預期正常生理發育,生長遲緩 783.4 783.4
Ill-defined conditions 其他診斷欠明之病態 799.8 799.8
Accidental fall 意外墜落 E888 E888
Vaccine against viral hepatitis B B型肝炎預防注射 V05.8 V05.8
Routine infant or child health check 嬰幼兒例行之健康檢查 V20.2 V20.2
Observation for suspected condition, newborn 新生兒可疑病態之觀察 V71.8 V71.8
Counseling (Health education or explaination) 諮詢,健康教育,看報告解釋病情 V65.4 V65.40
Issue of medical certificates 開出診斷書 V68.0 V68.0
Down's syndrome 唐氏症候群 758.0 758.0
Congenital anomaly 先天性畸形 759.9 759.9

Esophageal reflux (gastroesophageal reflux) 胃食道逆流 530.1 530.81
Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝氣 550.90 550.90
Umbilical hernia 臍疝氣 553.1 553.1
Noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis (enteritis) 非傳染性胃腸炎、大腸炎、腸炎 558.9 558.9
Other impaction of intestine (fecal impaction) 其他腸嵌塞 (糞便嵌塞) 560.39 560.39
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Anal fissure 肛裂 565.0 565.0
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 先天性肥厚性幽門狹窄 750.5 750.5
Hirschsprung's disease and other congenital functional disorders of colon Hirschsprung氏症及其他先天性結腸功能異常 (巨結腸症) 751.3 751.3
Biliary atresia 膽道閉鎖 751.61 751.61
Omphalitis of the newborn (granuloma of umbilicus) 新生兒臍炎,新生兒臍肉芽腫 771.4 771.4
Umbilical hemorrhage after birth 出生後臍帶出血 772.3 772.3
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 新生兒胃腸道出血 772.4 772.4
Feeding problems in newborn (regurgitation of food, slow feeding, or vomiting in newborn) 新生兒餵食問題,新生兒嘔吐 779.3 779.3
Flatulence, eructation, and gas pain (abdominal distention (gaseous)) 胃腸脹氣,打噎,腹脹 787.3 787.3
Abdominal pain (infantile colic) 腹痛 (嬰兒腹絞痛) 789.0 789.00
Infectious colitis, enteritis, and gastroenteritis 傳染性大腸炎,腸炎,胃腸炎 009.0 009.0

Hydrocele 陰囊水腫 603.9 603.9
Redundant prepuce and phimosis (paraphimosis) 包皮過長及包莖 605 605
Undescended testis (cryptorchism, ectopic testis) 隱睪症 752.5 752.51
Congenital hydrocele 先天性陰囊水腫 778.6 778.6

Cleft palate 顎裂 749.00 749.00
Cleft lip 唇裂 749.10 749.10
Cleft palate with cleft lip 顎裂合併唇裂 749.20 749.20
Tongue tie 舌繫帶過緊 750.0 750.0
Congenital sternomastoid torticollis (congenital wryneck) 先天性斜頸 754.1 754.1
Injuries to scalp (caput succedaneum, cephalohematoma) 頭皮受傷 (胎頭腫塊、頭血腫) 767.1 767.1

Thrombocytopenia 血小板減少症 287.5 287.5
Hemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmunization (anemia, jaundice, due to ABO antibodies) ABO同族免疫引起之溶血性疾病 773.1 773.1
Fetal and neonatal jaundice 新生兒黃疸 774.6 774.6
Polycythemia neonatorum 新生兒紅血球增多症 776.4 776.4
Congenital anemia (anemia following fetal blood loss, posthemorrhagic anemia) 先天性貧血 (胎兒失血後貧血) 776.5 776.5
Anemia of prematurity 早產兒貧血 776.6 776.6
Enlargement of lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) 淋巴腺腫大 785.6 785.6

Bacterial meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 320.9
Meningitis 腦膜炎 322.9 322.9
Infective otitis externa 外耳道炎 380.10 380.10
Otitis media (acute, chronic) 中耳炎 382.9 382.9
Acute upper respiratory infection 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎 485 485
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Congenital pneumonia 先天性肺炎 770.0 770.0
Neonatal Candida infection (thrush in newborn) 新生兒念珠菌感染 (新生兒鵝口瘡) 771.7 771.7
Infection specific to the perinatal period (neonatal urinary tract infection, neonatal sepsis) 周產期感染 (新生兒泌尿道感染、新生兒敗血症) 771.8 771.8

Congenital hypothyroidism 先天性甲狀腺低能症 243 243
Syndrome of "infant of diabetic mother" 糖尿病母親的嬰兒 775.0 775.0
Neonatal hypoglycemia 新生兒低血糖症 775.6 775.6

Anoxic brain damage 腦缺氧損傷 348.1 348.1
Injuries to brachial plexus (brachial palsy or paralysis) 臂神經叢受損 (臂神經叢麻痺) 767.6 767.6
Birth trauma 產傷 767.9 767.9
Birth asphyxia in liveborn infant 生產窒息 768.9 768.9
Convulsions of newborn 新生兒痙攣 779.0 779.0
Cerebral depression, coma and other abnormal cerebral signs (central nervous system dysfunction in newborn) 新生兒中樞神經功能異常 779.2 779.2
Head injury 頭部受傷 854.00 959.01

EYE 眼睛
Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管阻塞 375.55 375.55
Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis 新生兒結膜炎 771.6 771.6

Congenital dislocation of hip, unilateral 髖關節先天性脫臼,單側 754.30 754.30

Anomalies of larynx, trachea, and bronchus (laryngomalacia, or tracheomalacia, congenital) 喉部、氣管、支氣管畸形 (喉頭軟化症,氣管軟化症,先天性) 748.3 748.3
Respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窘迫症候群 769 769
Meconium aspiration syndrome 胎便吸入症候群 770.1 770.1
Interstitial emphysema (pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, pneumothorax in perinatal period) 新生兒間質性氣腫 (縱膈腔氣腫,心包膜氣腫,氣胸) 770.2 770.2
Transitory tachypnea of newborn 新生兒暫時性呼吸急促 770.6 770.6
Chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period (Bronchopulmonary dysplasia) 支氣管肺發育不良 770.7 770.7
Respiratory problems after birth (apnea, cyanotic attacks, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, etc.) 出生後呼吸問題 (呼吸暫停,發紺,呼吸窘迫,呼吸衰竭) 770.8 770.8

Hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下血管瘤 228.01 228.01
Carbuncle and furuncle 癤,癰 680.9 680.9
Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及皮下膿瘍 682.9 682.9
Impetigo 膿痂疹 684 684
Pyoderma 膿皮症 686.0 686.00
Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue 局部皮膚及皮下組織感染 686.9 686.9
Seborrheic dermatitis 脂漏性皮膚炎 690 690.10
Diaper rash 尿布疹 691.0 691.0
Dermatitis, eczema 皮膚炎,濕疹 692.9 692.9
Prickly heat (heat rash, miliaria rubra, miliaria crystallina) 熱疹 (痱子) 705.1 705.1
Cutaneous hemorrhage (bruising, ecchymoses, petechiae in newborn) 新生兒皮膚出血 (瘀傷,瘀血,出血點) 772.6 772.6
Conditions involving the integument of newborn (urticaria neonatorum) 其他新生兒皮膚問題 (新生兒蕁麻疹) 778.8 778.8
Insect bite, head and neck 昆蟲叮咬,頭頸部 910.4 910.4
Insect bite, head and neck with infection 昆蟲叮咬,頭頸部 (有感染) 910.5 910.5
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Acne vulgaris 痤瘡 706.1 706.1
Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 540.9 540.9
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Acute confusional state 急性譫妄 293.0 293.0
Acute conjuntivitis 急性結膜炎 372.00 372.00
Acute gastroenteritis 急性胃腸炎 558.9 558.9
Acute glomerulonephritis 急性腎絲球腎炎 580.9 580.9
Acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗塞 410.90 410.90
Acute pancreatitis 急性胰臟炎 577.0 577.0
Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Acute renal failure 急性腎衰竭 584.9 584.9
Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 461.9 461.9
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 後天免疫不全症候群 042.9 042
Alcoholic drunkenness 酒醉 303.00 303.00
Alcoholic gastritis 酒精性胃炎 535.30 535.30
Alcoholic liver cirrhosis 酒精性肝硬化 571.2 571.2
Alcoholic liver damage 酒精性肝損害 571.3 571.3
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Anemia (acute blood loss) 急性出血後貧血 285.1 285.1
Anemia (folate deficiency) 葉酸缺乏性貧血 281.2 281.2
Anemia (iron deficiency) 缺鐵性貧血 280.9 280.9
Anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency) 維生素B12缺乏性貧血 281.1 281.1
Angina pectoris 心絞痛 413.9 413.9
Ankylosing spondylitis 僵直性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Anorexia 厭食 783.0 783.0
Anxiety state 焦慮狀態 300.00 300.00
Anxiety (stress reaction) 焦慮(壓力反應) 308.0 308.0
Arrhythmia 心律不整 427.9 427.9
Arthritis, post-traumatic 創傷後關節炎 716.10 716.10
Arthropathy 關節病變 716.90 716.90
Ascariasis 蛔虫病 127.0 127.0
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Atherosclerosis 動脈粥樣硬化 440.9 440.9
Atopic dermatitis 異位性皮膚炎 691.8 691.8
Atrial fibrillation 心房顫動 427.31 427.31
Atrial flutter 心房撲動 427.32 427.32
Backache 背痛 724.5 724.5
Bed sore 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Behcet's syndrome 畢賽氏徵候群 136.1 136.1
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發性位置性眩暈 386.11 386.11
Benign prostate hypertrophy 攝護腺(前列腺)肥大 600 600.0
Benign breast tumor 乳房良性腫廇 217 217
Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張症 494 494.0
Cancer of bone and cartilage 骨骼及關節軟骨之惡性腫瘤 170.9 170.9
Cancer of breast, female 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 174.9 174.9
Cancer of cervix 子宮頸惡性腫瘤 180.9 180.9
Cancer of colon 結腸惡性腫瘤 153.9 153.9
Cancer of esophagus 食道惡性腫瘤 150.9 150.9
Cancer of gastrointestinal and peritoneum 消化道及腹膜之惡性腫瘤 159.9 159.9
Cancer of lung 支氣管及肺惡性腫瘤 162.9 162.9
Cancer of mouth 口部惡性腫瘤 145.9 145.9
Cancer of ovary 卵巢惡性腫瘤 183.0 183.0
Cancer of pancreas 胰臟惡性腫瘤 157.9 157.9
Cancer of prostate 攝護腺(前列腺)之惡性腫瘤 185 185
Cancer of rectum 直腸惡性腫瘤 154.1 154.1
Cancer of stomach 胃惡性腫瘤 151.9 151.9
Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺惡性腫瘤 193 193
Cancer of unknown primary 原發部位未明之惡性腫瘤 199.1 199.1
Candidiasis 念珠菌病 112.9 112.9
Candidiasis (oral thrush) 口腔念珠菌病(鵝口瘡) 112.0 112.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧徵候群 354.0 354.0
Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 682.9 682.9
Cerebral hemorrhage 大腦出血 431 431
Cerebral infarction 腦梗塞 434.9 434.90
Cerebrovascular accident 腦血管意外 436 436
Cerebrovascular accident, old 陳舊性腦血管意外 438 438.9
Cervicitis 子宮頸炎 616.0 616.0
Chest pain 胸痛 786.50 786.50
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Cholecystitis 膽囊炎 575.1 575.10
Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 491.9 491.9
Chronic glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎 582.9 582.9
Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 571.40 571.40
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 496 496
Chronic renal failure (End stage renal disease) 慢性腎衰竭 585 585
Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 472.0 472.0
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Cluster headache 叢集型偏頭痛 346.2 346.2
Common cold 感冒 460 460
Congestive heart failure 鬱血性心臟衰竭 428.0 428.0
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚 692.9 692.9
Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈疾病 414.0 414.00
Cramp (limbs) 痙攣(四肢) 729.82 729.82
Cushing's syndrome 庫興氏徵候群 255.0 255.0
Cystitis, acute 急性膀胱炎 595.0 595.0
Deep vein thrombosis 深部靜脈栓塞 453.8 453.8
Dementia, presenile 早發性老年癡呆症 290.10 290.10
Dementia, senile 老年癡呆症 290.0 290.0
Depressive disorder 憂鬱症 311 311
Dermatitis herpetiform 疹狀皮膚炎 694.0 694.0
Dermatomyositis 肌皮炎 710.3 710.3
Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetes mellitus foot (gangrene) 糖尿病足(壞疽) 250.70 + 785.4 250.70 + 785.4
Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy 糖尿病併腎病變 250.40 + 583.81 250.40 + 583.81
Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder 糖尿病併有末稍血管循環病變 250.70 + 443.81 250.70 + 443.81
Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy 糖尿病併多發性神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2
Diabetes mellitus with retinopathy 糖尿病併視網膜病變 250.50 + 362.01 250.50 + 362.01
Diabetes mellitus with lower limb ulcer 糖尿病伴有下肢潰瘍 250.80 + 707.1 250.80 + 707.10
Diaper rash 尿布疹 691.0 691.0
Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Drug abuse 藥物濫用 305.90 305.90
Drug dependence 藥癮 304.90 304.90
Drug eruption 藥疹 693.0 693.0
Drug poisoning 藥物中毒 977.9 977.9
Drug psychosis 藥物所致之精神異常 292.9 292.9
Drug withdrawal syndrome 藥物戒斷徵候群 292.0 292.0
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 功能異常性子宮出血 626.8 626.8
Dysmenorrhea 痛經症 625.3 625.3
Dyspnea 呼吸困難 786.09 786.09
Eczema 濕疹 692.9 692.9
Edema 水腫 782.3 782.3
Electrolyte / fluid disease 電解質及體液失調症 276.9 276.9
Elevation of ALT, AST, or LDH 胺基交換 或乳酸脫氫 之非特定性上升 790.4 790.4
Emphysema 肺氣腫 492.8 492.8
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Erysipelas 丹毒 035 035
Erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑 695.1 695.1
Erythema nodosum 結節性紅斑 695.2 695.2
Esophageal varices 食道靜脈曲張 456.1 456.1
Facial palsy / Bell's palsy 貝爾氏麻痺(顏面神經麻痺) 351.0 351.0
Fatty liver 脂肪肝 571.8 571.8
Fever of unknown origin 不明熱 780.6 780.6
Fibrositis / rheumatism 纖維組織炎/風濕症 729.0 729.0
Frozen shoulder 冷凍肩 ( 五十肩 ) 726.0 726.0
Functional disorders of bladder 膀胱功能障礙 596.5 596.59
Functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Furuncle/carbuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Gait abnormality 步態異常 781.2 781.2
Gallstone 膽囊結石 574.20 574.20
Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4
Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 531.90 531.90
Gastritis / gastroduodenitis 胃炎及胃十二指腸炎 535.50 535.50
Gastrointestinal bleeding 胃腸道出血 578.9 578.9
Gingival / periodontal disease 齒齦與牙周疾病 523.9 523.9
Goiter 甲狀腺腫 240.9 240.9
Gonorrhea 淋病 098.0 098.0
Gouty arthritis 痛風性關節炎 274.0 274.0
Gouty nephropathy 痛風性腎病變 274.10 274.10
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Health checkup 健康檢查 V70.0 V70.0
Hearing impairment 聽覺障礙 389.9 389.9
Heart disease 診斷欠明之心臟疾病 429.9 429.9
Heart failure 心臟衰竭 428.9 428.9
Heart murmur 心雜音 785.2 785.2
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7
Hemiplegia 半身麻痺 342.9 342.90
Hemolytic anemia (acquired) 後天性溶血性貧血 283.9 283.9
Hemoptysis 咳血 786.3 786.3
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Hepatitis B B型肝炎 070.30 070.30
Hepatitis C C型肝炎 070.51 070.51
Hepatoma 肝惡性腫瘤,原發性 155.0 155.0
Hepatomegaly 肝腫大 789.1 789.1
Herniation intervertebral disc 椎間盤凸突出 722.2 722.2
Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 054.9 054.9
Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Hiatal hernia 橫膈疝氣 553.3 553.3
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 人類免疫不全病毒感染 044.9 V08
Hoshimoto's thyroiditis 橋本氏慢性淋巴球性甲狀腺炎 245.2 245.2
Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 591 591
Hyperlipidemia 高脂血症 272.4 272.4
Hypertension, essential 本態性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Hypertension, secondary 次發性高血壓 405.99 405.99
Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 402.90 402.90
Hypertensive renal disease 高血壓性腎臟疾病 403.90 403.90
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺亢進 242.90 242.90
Hypochondriasis 慮病症 300.7 300.7
Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺功能低下 244.9 244.9
Hysteria 歇斯底里 300.10 300.10
Impetigo 膿庖症 684 684
Impotence, organic 器質性陽萎 607.84 607.84
Impotence, psychogenic 精神性陽萎 302.72 302.72
Infectious diarrhea 感染性腹瀉 009.2 009.2
Influenza 流行性感冒 487.1 487.1
Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝氣 550.90 550.90
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Irritable bowel syndrome 躁性大腸徵候群 564.1 564.1
Ischemic heart disease 缺血性心臟病 414.9 414.9
Jaundice 黃疸 782.4 782.4
Joint pain 關節痛 719.40 719.40
Joint stiffness 關節僵直 719.50 719.50
Joint swelling 關節腫脹 719.00 719.00
Juvenile rheumatoid artritis (polyarticular) 多發性少年期類風濕性關節炎 714.30 714.30
Keloid scar 瘢瘤 701.4 701.4
Laboratory examination 實驗室檢查 V72.6 V72.6
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.1 214.1
Liver abscess 肝膿瘍 572.0 572.0
Liver cirrhosis 肝硬化 571.5 571.5
Low back pain 下背痛 724.2 724.2
Lymphadenitis 淋巴腺炎 289.3 289.3
Lymphadenopathy 淋巴腺病變 785.6 785.6
Lymphoma 淋巴瘤 202.80 202.80
Malaise and fatigue 倦怠及疲勞 780.7 780.79
Malignant melanoma 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤,未明示部位者 172.9 172.9
Malnutrition 營養不良 263.9 263.9
Manic-depressive psychosis 躁鬱症 296.80 296.80
Mass, superficial 局部表淺性腫脹或腫塊 782.2 782.2
Measles 麻疹 055.9 055.9
Meniere's disease 梅尼爾氏症 386.00 386.00
Menigitis, aseptic 無菌性腦膜炎 047.9 047.9
Meningitis, bacterial 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 320.9
Menopausal syndrome 停經或女性更年期徵候群 627.2 627.2
Menstruation disorder 月經異常 626.9 626.9
Mental retardation 智能不足 319 319
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.9 346.90
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Nausea 噁心 787.0 787.02
Vomiting 嘔吐 787.0 787.03
Nausea and vomiting 噁心及嘔吐 787.0 787.01
Nephritis 腎炎 583.9 583.9
Nephrotic syndrome 腎病徵候群 581.9 581.9
Neuropathy, lower limb 下肢單一神經炎 355.8 355.8
Neuropathy, upper limb 上肢單一神經炎 354.9 354.9
Neurotic disorder 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Obesity 肥胖症 278.0 278.00
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 強迫症 300.3 300.3
Old myocardial infarction 陳舊性心肌梗塞 412 412
Oral lesion 口腔病灶 528.9 528.9
Organic psychosis, chronic 器質性腦徵候群, 慢性 294.9 294.9
Osteoarthritis 骨關節炎 715.90 715.90
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Otitis externa 外耳炎 380.10 380.10
Otitis media, suppurative 化膿性中耳炎 382.4 382.4
Palpitation 心悸 785.1 785.1
Parkinson’s disease 帕金森氏症 332.0 332.0
Paronychia, finger 手指甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.02 681.02
Paronychia, toe 足趾甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.11 681.11
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 陣發性心室上心搏過速 427.0 427.0
Pelvic inflammatory disease 骨盆腔發炎 614.9 614.9
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Peripheral arteries occlusion disease 末梢動脈阻塞症 444.22 444.22
Peripheral neuropathy 末梢神經疾病 356.9 356.9
Peripheral vascular disease 末梢血管疾病 443.9 443.9
Pharyngitis 急性咽喉炎 462 462
Phlebitis 靜脈炎 451.9 451.9
Pityriasis versicolor 變色糠疹 111.0 111.0
Plantar fascitiis 足底肌膜炎 728.71 728.71
Pneumoconiosis 塵肺症 505 505
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Polymyositis 多發性肌炎 710.4 710.4
Postural hypotension 姿勢性低血壓 458.0 458.0
Proteinuria 蛋白尿 791.0 791.0
Pruritus cutaneous 皮膚搔癢症 698.9 698.9
Psoriasis 牛皮癬 696.1 696.1
Psychophysiological disorder 心理生理功能障礙 306.9 306.9
Purpura 紫斑症 287.2 287.2
Radiculitis, cervicobrachial 頸臂神經根炎 723.4 723.4
Radiculitis, lumbosacral 腰胝骨神經根炎 724.4 724.4
Raynaud's phenomenon 雷諾氏徵候群 443.0 443.0
Reflux esophagitis 食道炎 530.1 530.1
Regional enteritis 局部性腸炎 555.9 555.9
Renal stone 腎結石 592.0 592.0
Rheumatic fever 風濕熱 390 390
Rheumatic heart disease 風濕性心臟病 398.90 398.90
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Rubella 德國麻疹 056.9 056.9
Salmonellosis 沙門氏菌病 003.0 003.0
Scabies 疥癬(疥瘡) 133.0 133.0
Scarlet fever 猩紅熱 034.1 034.1
Schizophrenia 精神分裂症 295.90 295.90
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Sensory disturbance 皮膚感覺障礙 782.0 782.0
Sepsis 敗血症 038.9 038.9
Shigella dysenteriae 志賀桿菌性痢疾 004.0 004.0
Skin infection 皮膚感染 686.9 686.9
Skin rash 皮疹 782.1 782.1
Skin vesicular eruption 皮膚水泡發疹 709.8 709.8
Spinal stenosis, cervical 頸部脊椎狹窄 723.0 723.0
Spinal stenosis, lumbar 腰部脊椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Spondylosis 脊椎關節黏連 721.90 721.90
Spondylosis, cervical 頸部關節黏連 721.0 721.0
Strain / sprain 扭傷及拉傷 848.9 848.9
Stress incontinence, female 壓力性排尿失禁,女性 625.6 625.6
Syncope / collapse 暈厥/虛脫 780.2 780.2
Syphilis 梅毒 097.9 097.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 全身紅斑性狼瘡 710.0 710.0
Systemic sclerosis 全身性硬化症 710.1 710.1
Tachycardia 心搏過速 785.0 785.0
Tacycardia, proxysmal 陣發性心搏過速 427.2 427.2
Tendinitis 肌腱炎 726.90 726.90
Tension headache 緊張性頭痛 307.81 307.81
Thalassemia 地中海型貧血 282.4 282.4
Thrombocytopenia 血小板缺乏 287.5 287.5
Tinea coporis 體癬 110.5 110.5
Tinea cruris 股癬 110.3 110.3
Tinea of nail 指(趾)癬 110.1 110.1
Tinea pedis 足癬 110.4 110.4
Tinnitus 耳鳴 388.30 388.30
Transient ischemic attack 暫時性腦部缺氧發作 435.9 435.9
Trichomoniasis, genitourinary 泌尿生殖道滴虫病 131.00 131.00
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Tuberculosis 結核病 010.90 010.90
Tuberculosis of pulmonary 肺結核 011.90 011.90
Typhoid fever 傷寒 002.0 002.0
Ulcer of lower limbs 下肢潰瘍 707.1 707.10
Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Urethritis 尿道炎 597.80 597.80
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Urine incontinence 小便失禁 788.3 788.30
Urolithiasis 尿結石 592.9 592.9
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Uterine myoma 子宮平滑肌瘤 218.9 218.9
Vaginitis 陰道炎 616.10 616.10
Varicose, lower limbs 下肢靜脈曲張 454.9 454.9
Vasculitis 血管炎 447.6 447.6
Vertigo 眩暈徵候群 386.9 386.9
Viral infection 病毒感染 079.9 079.9
Visual disturbance 視覺障礙 368.9 368.9
Vitamin B deficiency 維生素B缺乏 266.9 266.9
Vitamin C deficiency 維生素C缺乏 267 267
Weight gain, abnormal 體重異常增加 783.1 783.1
Weight loss, abnormal 體重異常減輕 783.2 783.21
Benign neoplasm of breast 乳房良性腫瘤 217 217
Benign neoplasm of skin 皮膚良性腫瘤 216.9 216.9
Breast tumor 乳房腫瘤 239.3 239.3
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.9 214.9
Benign neoplasm of connective tissue 結締組織良性腫瘤 215.9 215.9

Goiter 甲狀腺腫 240.9 240.9
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺功能亢進 242.90 242.90
Diabetes mellitus(no complication) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Hematemesis 嘔血 578.0 578.0
Gastrointestinal bleeding 腸胃道出血 578.9 578.9
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Functional gastrointestinal disturbance 功能性胃腸障礙 536.9 536.9
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 571.40 571.40
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 591 591
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7

Breast fibroadenosis 乳房纖維腺腫大 610.2 610.2
Mastitis 乳腺炎 611.0 611.0
Lump or mass in breast 乳房硬塊 611.72 611.72

Paronychia, finger 手指甲溝炎 681.02 681.02
Paronychia, toe 腳趾甲溝炎 681.11 681.11
Carbuncles and furuncles 癰,癤 680.9 680.9
Paronychia 甲溝炎 681.9 681.9
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Clavus 雞眼 700 700
Keloid 瘢痕疙瘩 701.4 701.4
Sebaceous cyst 皮脂腺囊腫 706.2 706.2

Lumbago 腰酸痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Back pain 背部疼痛 724.5 724.5
Frozen shoulder 冰凍肩 726.0 726.0
Fibrositis 纖維組織炎 729.0 729.0
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Myofascial pain syndrome 肌膜痛症候群 729.1 729.1
Fasciitis 筋膜炎 729.4 729.4
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Baker's cyst 貝克氏囊腫 727.51 727.51
Cervicalgia 頸椎痛 723.1 723.1
Pain in thoracic spine 胸椎痛 724.1 724.1
Coccyx pain 尾椎痛 724.79 724.79
Tendinitis 肌腱炎 727.00 727.00
Trigger finger(acquired) 扳機指 727.03 727.03
Tendinitis, hand and wrist 手及手腕肌腱炎 727.05 727.05
Tendinitis, foot and ankle 足及踝肌腱炎 727.06 727.06

Foreign body in respiratory tract 呼吸道內異物 934.9 934.9
Foreign body in digestive system 消化道內異物 938 938

Burn 燙傷 949.0 949.0
Burn of eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官之燒傷 940.9 940.9
Burn of face and head 頭臉部燒傷 941.00 941.00
Burn of lower limb 下肢燒傷 945.00 945.00
Burn of trunk 軀幹燒傷 942.00 942.00
Burn of upper limb 上肢燒傷 943.00 943.00
Burn of wrist and hand 手、腕部燒傷 944.00 944.00

Brain concussion 腦震盪 950.9 950.9
Contusion 挫傷 924.9 924.9
Contusion of abdomen 腹部挫傷 922.2 922.2
Contusion of back 背部挫傷 922.3 922.31
Contusion of buttock 臀部挫傷 922.3 922.32
Contusion of chest 胸部挫傷 922.1 922.1
Contusion of flank 腰部挫傷 922.2 922.2
Contusion of head 頭部挫傷 920 920
Contusion of kidney 腎挫傷 866.01 866.01
Contusion of liver 肝臟挫傷 864.01 864.01
Contusion of lower extremity 下肢挫傷 924.5 924.5
Contusion of neck 頸部挫傷 920 920
Contusion of shoulder 肩膀挫傷 923.00 923.00
Contusion of spleen 脾部挫傷 865.01 865.01
Contusion of upper extremity 上肢挫傷 923.9 923.9

Fracture of clavicle 鎖骨骨折 810.00 810.00
Fracture of femur 股骨骨折 821.00 821.00
Fracture of femur neck 股骨頸骨折 820.8 820.8
Fracture of femur shaft 股骨幹骨折 821.01 821.01
Fracture of fibula 腓骨骨折 823.81 823.81
Fracture of fibula with tibia 腓骨脛骨骨折 823.82 823.82
Fracture of finger 手指骨折 816.00 816.00
Fracture of foot 足部骨折 825.20 825.20
Fracture of hand 手部骨折 815.00 815.00
Fracture of humerus 肱骨骨折 812.20 812.20
Fracture of malleolus 踝骨骨折 824.8 824.8
Fracture of metatarsus 蹠骨骨折 825.25 825.25
Fracture of nose 鼻骨骨折 802.0 802.0
Fracture of patella 臏骨骨折 822.0 822.0
Fracture of pelvis 骨盆腔骨折 808.8 808.8
Fracture of radius 橈骨骨折 813.81 813.81
Fracture of radius and ulna 橈骨尺骨骨折 813.83 813.83
Fracture of tibia 脛骨骨折 823.80 823.80
Fracture of ulna 尺骨骨折 813.82 813.82
Fracture of vertebra 脊椎骨折 805.8 805.8
Fracture of vertebra with spinal cord injury 脊椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.8 806.8
Fracture (closed) 閉鎖性骨折 829.0 829.0
Fracture (open) 開放性骨折 829.1 829.1

Injury to colon 大腸損傷 863.40 863.40
Injury to gastrointestinal tract 胃腸道損傷 863.80 863.80
Injury to heart 心臟損傷 861.00 861.00
Injury to intra-abdominal organs 腹部器官損傷 868.00 868.00
Injury to kidney 腎臟損傷 866.00 866.00
Injury to liver 肝損傷 864.00 864.00
Injury to pelvic organ 骨盆腔器官損傷 867.8 867.8
Injury to small intestine 小腸損傷 863.20 863.20
Injury to spleen 脾損傷 865.00 865.00
Injury to stomach 胃部損傷 863.0 863.0
Traumatic hemopneumothorax 外傷性血氣胸 860.4 860.4
Traumatic hemothorax 外傷性血胸 860.2 860.2
Traumatic pneumothorax 外傷性氣胸 860.0 860.0

Open wound 開放性傷口 879.8 879.8
Open wound of back 背部開放性傷口 876.0 876.0
Open wound of chest wall 胸壁開放性傷口 875.0 875.0
Open wound of external ear 外耳部開放性傷口 872.00 872.00
Open wound of eyelid 眼瞼開放性傷口 870.8 870.8
Open wound of face 臉部開放性傷口 873.40 873.40
Open wound of finger 手指開放性傷口 883.0 883.0
Open wound of finger with tendon involvement 手指開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 883.2 883.2
Open wound of foot 足部開放性傷口 892.0 892.0
Open wound of foot with tendon involvement 足部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 892.2 892.2
Open wound of forearm 前臂開放性傷口 881.00 881.00
Open wound of forearm with tendon involvement 前臂開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 881.20 881.20
Open wound of hand 手部開放性傷口 882.0 882.0
Open wound of hand with tendon involvement 手部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 882.2 882.2
Open wound of lower extremity 下肢開放性傷口 894.0 894.0
Open wound of lower extremity with tendon involvement 下肢開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 894.2 894.2
Open wound of lower leg 腿部開放性傷口 891.0 891.0
Open wound of lower leg with tendon involvement 腿部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 891.2 891.2
Open wound of scalp 頭皮開放性傷口 873.0 873.0
Open wound of trunk 軀幹開放性傷口 879.6 879.6
Open wound of upper extremity 上肢開放性傷口 884.0 884.0
Open wound of upper extremity with tendon involvement 上肢開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 884.2 884.2
Open wound of wrist 腕部開放性傷口 881.02 881.02
Open wound of wrist with tendon involvement 腕部開放性傷口合併肌腱斷裂 881.22 881.22

Sprain of ankle 踝扭傷 845.00 845.00
Sprain of elbow and forearm 手肘和前臂扭傷 841.9 841.9
Sprain of hand 手扭傷 842.10 842.10
Sprain of hip and thigh 髖及大腿扭傷 843.9 843.9
Sprain of knee and leg 膝及腿部扭傷 844.9 844.9
Sprain of shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂之扭傷 840.9 840.9
Sprain of wrist 腕扭傷 842.00 842.00

Superficial injury 表淺損傷 919.0 919.0
Superficial injury of face 臉部表淺損傷 910.0 910.0
Superficial injury of foot 足部表淺損傷 917.0 917.0
Superficial injury of hand 手部表淺損傷 914.0 914.0
Superficial injury of lower extremity 下肢表淺損傷 916.0 916.0
Superficial injury of thumb 拇指表淺損傷 915.0 915.0
Superficial injury of trunk 軀幹表淺損傷 911.0 911.0
Superficial injury of upper arm 上手臂表淺損傷 912.0 912.0
Superficial injury of upper extremity 上肢表淺損傷 913.0 913.0
Multiple superficial injury 多部位表淺損傷 919.0 919.0

Traumatic amputation of finger 手指外傷性截斷 886.0 886.0
Traumatic amputation of foot 足部外傷性截斷 896.0 896.0
Traumatic amputation of hand 手部外傷性截斷 887.0 887.0
Traumatic amputation of leg(at or above knee) 膝關節以上腿部外傷性截斷 897.2 897.2
Traumatic amputation of leg(below knee) 膝關節以下腿部外傷性截斷 897.0 897.0
Traumatic amputation of thumb 拇指外傷性截斷 885.0 885.0
Traumatic amputation of toe 腳趾外傷性截斷 895.0 895.0

Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Vertigo, dizziness, giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Pyrexia of unknown origin 不明熱 780.6 780.6
Malaise and fatigue 倦怠及疲勞 780.7 780.79
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4
Cough 咳嗽 786.2 786.2
Hemoptysis 咳血 786.3 786.3
Nausea 噁心 787.0 787.02
Vomiting 嘔吐 787.0 787.03
Nausea and vomiting 噁心及嘔吐 787.0 787.01
Renal colic 腎絞痛 788.0 788.0
Dysuria 解尿困難 788.1 788.1
Urinary symptoms 泌尿道症狀 788.9 788.9
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Abdominal mass 腹部腫塊 789.3 789.30
Cachexia 惡病體質 799.4 799.4
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Dyspnea 呼吸困難 786.09 786.09
Chest pain 胸痛 786.50 786.50
Chest tightness 胸悶 786.59 786.59
Urine incontinence 尿失禁 788.3 788.30
Alternation of consciousness 神智改變 780.0 780.09
Syncope 暈厥 780.2 780.2
Edema 水腫 782.3 782.3
Jaundice 黃疸 782.4 782.4
Abnormal loss of weight 體重減輕 783.2 783.2
Throat pain 喉嚨痛 784.1 784.1
Epistaxis 流鼻血 784.7 784.7
Palpitations 心悸 785.1 785.1
Shock 休克 785.50 785.50
Painful respiration 呼吸痛 786.52 786.52
Retention of urine 尿滯留 788.2 788.20
Frequency of urination 頻尿 788.4 788.41
Polyuria 多尿 788.4 788.42
Splenomegaly 脾腫大 789.2 789.2
Abnormal liver function test 肝功能檢驗異常 794.8 794.8
Proteinuria 蛋白尿 791.0 791.0
Death on arrival 到院時死亡 798.9 798.9
Change dressing 換藥 V58.3 V58.3
Stitch abscess 縫線膿瘍 998.5 998.59
Abscess, cellulitis or lymphadenitis 膿瘍,蜂窩組織炎或淋巴腺炎 682.9 682.9
Acanthosis nigricans 黑棘皮症 701.2 701.2
Acne 痤瘡 706.1 706.1
Actinic keratosis 日光性角化病 702.0 702.0
Alopecia and hair loss 禿 704.00 704.00
Alopecia areata 圓禿 704.01 704.01
Amyloidosis 類澱粉樣變性 277.3 277.3
Angioneurotic edema 血管神經性水腫 995.1 995.1
Angular cheilitis 口角炎 528.5 528.5
Aphthous ulcer 口瘡 528.2 528.2
Balanoposthitis 龜頭包皮炎 607.1 607.1
Basal cell carcinoma 基底細胞癌 173.9 173.9
Bed sore 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Bowen's disease 波文氏病 232.9 232.9
Bullous dermatosis 水泡性皮膚病 694.9 694.9
Burn 燒傷 949.0 949.0
Candidiasis 念珠菌病 112.9 112.9
Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Caterpillar dermatitis 毛蟲皮膚炎 692.89 692.89
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Chloasma 黑斑 ,肝斑 709.0 709.09
Chronic ulcer of lower limb 下肢慢性潰瘍 707.1 707.10
Verruca 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10
Condyloma acuminatum 病毒性尖錐濕疣 078.1 078.11
Congenital anomalies of the integument 外皮畸形 757.9 757.9
Corn and tylosis 雞眼及胼胝 700 700
Dermatitis, generalized(allergic)(contact)(occupational) 全身性,接觸性,職業性之濕疹 692.9 692.9
Dermatitis, artefacta 人工皮膚炎 698.4 698.4
Dermatitis, atopic 異位性皮膚炎 691.8 691.8
Dermatitis, seborrheic 脂漏性皮膚炎 690 690.10
Delusion of parasitosis 寄生蟲忘想症 300.29 300.29
Dermatosis 皮膚疾病 709.9 709.9
Dermatomyositis 皮肌炎 710.3 710.3
Dermatophytosis(Tinea), excluding nail 皮癬菌病 110.9 110.9
Drug eruption 藥物及藥劑所致之皮膚病 693.0 693.0
Dyschromia and pigmentation 異色症 709.0 709.00
Eczema nummulare 錢幣形濕疹 692.9 692.9
Epidermal cyst 表皮囊腫 706.2 706.2
Erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑 695.1 695.1
Erythema nodosum 結節性紅斑 695.2 695.2
Flushing, postmenopausal 潮紅,停經或女性更年期之病狀 627.2 627.2
Folliculitis, pustular 其他毛髮及毛囊疾病 704.8 704.8
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4
Granuloma pyogenicum 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1
Hand, foot and mouth disease 手,足及口病 074.3 074.3
Hematoma and contusion 血腫及挫傷 924.9 924.9
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 054.9 054.9
Herpes zoster, ophthalmicus 眼部帶狀泡疹 053.20 053.20
Herpes zoster, perianal 薦部帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 780.8 780.8
Impetigo 膿痂疹 684 684
Ingrowing nail 內生指(趾)甲 703.0 703.0
Insect bite 昆蟲咬傷 919.4 919.4
Intertrigo 對磨疹 695.89 695.89
Keloid and Hypertrophic scar 蟹足腫及增生瘢痕 701.4 701.4
Keratoderma (congenital) (palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical) 角皮病 757.39 757.39
Lichen pilaris 毛孔苔蘚(毛孔角化症) 757.39 757.39
Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus 苔癬化及慢性單純苔癬 698.3 698.3
Lupus erythematous(discoid) 盤狀紅斑性狼瘡 695.4 695.4
Lupus erythematous(systemic) 全身紅斑性狼瘡 710.0 710.0
Lymphadenopathy 淋巴腺病 785.6 785.6
Melanoma of skin 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤 172.9 172.9
Miliaria(crystallina,rubra,pustulosa) 痱子 705.1 705.1
Milium 粟丘疹 706.2 706.2
Molluscum contagiosum 觸染性軟疣 078.0 078.0
Morphea(guttate; linear) 局限性硬皮症 701.0 701.0
Nail disease 指(趾)甲病 703.9 703.9
Neoplasm, skin, benign (including nevus) 皮膚良性腫廇 216.9 216.9
Neoplasm, scalp, benign 頭皮良性腫瘤 216.4 216.4
Neoplasm, head, malignant 頭部惡性腫瘤 173.4 173.4
Neoplasm, face, benign 臉部良性腫瘤 216.3 216.3
Neoplasm, face, malignant 臉部惡性腫瘤 173.3 173.3
Neoplasm, male genital organs, penis, benign 陰莖,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 222.1 222.1
Neoplasm, penis, malignant 陰莖惡性腫瘤 187.4 187.4
Neoplasm, male genital organs, scrotum, benign 陰囊,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 222.4 222.4
Neoplasm, scrotum, malignant 陰囊惡性腫瘤 187.7 187.7
Neoplasm, skin, malignant 皮膚惡性腫瘤 173.9 173.9
Onychomycosis 甲癬 110.1 110.1
Osmidrosis 臭汗症(狐臭) 705.89 705.89
Panniculitis 脂層炎 729.30 729.30
Paronychia 甲溝炎 681.9 681.9
Pediculosis pubis 陰蝨侵染 132.2 132.2
Pemphigus 天皰瘡 694.4 694.4
Pemphigoid 類天皰瘡 694.5 694.5
Perniosis 凍瘡 991.5 991.5
Pityriasis alba 白糠疹 696.5 696.5
Pityriasis rosea 玫瑰糠疹 696.3 696.3
Pompholyx 掌蹠汗泡疹 705.81 705.81
Postherpetic neuralgia(intercostal) 帶狀泡疹併其他神經系統合併症 053.19 053.19
Prurigo nodularis 結節性癢疹 698.3 698.3
Pruritus and prurigo simplex 皮癢症及單純性癢疹 698.2 698.2
Pregnancy complication 妊娠期併發症,住院為治療產前合併症或狀況 646.93 646.93
Psoriasis 乾癬 696.1 696.1
Pyoderma and bacterial infection of skin 膿皮病及皮膚細菌感染 686.0 686.00
Rosacea 酒渣 695.3 695.3
Scabies 疥癬(疥瘡) 133.0 133.0
Seborrheic keratosis 脂漏性角化病 702.1 702.19
Senile dermatosis and degeneration or calcinosis 皮膚退化疾患 709.3 709.3
Soft fibroma 軟纖維瘤 214.9 214.9
Sunburn 曬傷 692.71 692.71
Syphilis, secondary(skin or mucosa) 第二期(續發性)皮膚或粘膜梅毒 091.3 091.3
Tattoo 紋身 709.0 709.09
Tinea versicolor 變色糠疹(汗斑) 111.0 111.0
Toxic erythema 毒性紅斑 695.0 695.0
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Urticaria, chronic 慢性蕁麻疹 708.8 708.8
Vasculitis 脈管炎 447.6 447.6
Viral exanthemata 病毒性發疹症 057.9 057.9
Vitiligo 白斑 709.0 709.01
Wound 開放性傷口 879.8 879.8

Acute upper respiratory infection 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Arthralgia 關節痛 719.40 719.40
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Functional digestive disorders 功能性腸胃障礙 536.9 536.9
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Hypertension 高血壓 401.9 401.9
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Renal failure, chronic 慢性腎衰竭 585 585
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Herpetic geniculate ganglionitis 耳帶狀泡疹 053.11 053.11
Herpetic gingivostomatitis 泡疹性齒齦口腔炎 054.2 054.2
Herpangina 泡疹性咽峽炎 074.0 074.0
Hand,foot and mouth disease 手、足、口症 074.3 074.3
Oral thrush 鵝口瘡 112.0 112.0

Common cold 感冒 460 460
Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 461.9 461.9
Acute pharyngitis 急性咽炎 462 462
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Acute laryngitis 急性喉炎 464.0 464.0
Acute epiglottitis 急性會厭炎 464.30 464.30
Croup 嘶哮 464.4 464.4
Acute upper respiratory infections 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Influenza 流行性感冒 487.1 487.1
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90

Malignant neoplasm of tongue 舌癌 141.9 141.9
Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland 唾液腺癌 142.9 142.9
Malignant neoplasm of mouth 口腔癌 145.9 145.9
Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx 鼻咽癌 147.9 147.9
Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx 下咽癌 148.9 148.9
Malignant neoplasm of larynx 喉癌 161.9 161.9
Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of neck 頸部淋巴腺續發性腫瘤 196.0 196.0
Benign neoplasm of salivary glands 唾液腺良性腫瘤 210.2 210.2
Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland 甲狀腺良性腫瘤 226 226

Acute otitis externa 急性外耳炎 380.10 380.10
Otomycosis 外耳道黴菌症 "111.8+
380.15" "111.8+
Impacted cerumen 耳垢栓塞 380.4 380.4
Serous otitis media 漿液性中耳炎 381.4 381.4
Dysfunction of eustachian tube 耳咽管功能不良 381.81 381.81
Acute otitis media 急性中耳炎 382.9 382.9
Acute myringitis 急性鼓膜炎 384.00 384.00
Chronic myringitis 慢性鼓膜炎 384.1 384.1
Perforation of tympanic membrane 鼓膜穿孔 384.20 384.20
Traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane 鼓膜外傷性穿孔 872.61 872.61
Cholesteatoma of middle ear 中耳膽脂瘤 385.32 385.32
Meniere's disease 梅尼耳氏症 386.00 386.00
Peripheral vertigo 末稍眩暈 386.10 386.10
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發性位置性眩暈 386.11 386.11
Vestibulopathy 內耳前庭病變 386.12 386.12
Vertigo of central origin 中樞性之眩暈 386.2 386.2
Labyrinthitis 迷路炎 386.30 386.30
Presbycusis 老年性失聰 388.01 388.01
Sudden hearing loss 突發性耳聾 388.2 388.2
Tinnitus 耳鳴 388.30 388.30
Otalgia 耳痛 388.70 388.70
Hearing loss 耳聾 389.9 389.9

Deviated nasal septum 鼻中隔彎曲 470 470
Nasal polyp 鼻瘜肉 471.9 471.9
Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 472.0 472.0
Chronic pharyngitis 慢性咽炎 472.1 472.1
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Chronic tonsillitis 慢性扁桃腺炎 474.0 474.0
Peritonsillar abscess 扁桃腺周圍膿瘍 475 475
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Mucocele of nasal sinus 鼻竇粘液囊腫 478.1 478.1
Nose vestibulitis 鼻前庭炎 478.1 478.1
Fracture of nasal bone 鼻骨骨折 802.0 802.0
Fracture of maxillary bone 上頷骨骨折 802.4 802.4
Paralysis of vocal cord 聲帶痳痺 478.30 478.30
Polyp of vocal cord 聲帶瘜肉 478.4 478.4
Vocal cords nodule 聲帶結節 478.5 478.5
Acute chorditis 急性聲帶炎 478.5 478.5

Sialoadenitis 唾液腺炎 527.2 527.2
Sialolithiasis 唾液腺結石 527.5 527.5
Oral aphthae 口瘡 528.2 528.2
Cyst of oral soft tissues 口腔軟組織囊腫 528.4 528.4
Leukoplakia of oral mucosa 口腔黏膜白斑症 528.6 528.6
Oral ulcer 口腔潰瘍 528.9 528.9
Glossitis 舌炎 529.0 529.0

Branchial cleft cyst 先天性鰓裂囊腫 744.42 744.42
Preauricular fistula 耳前廔管 744.46 744.46
Tongue tie 舌繫帶短縮 750.0 750.0
Thyroglossal cyst 甲狀腺舌管囊腫 759.2 759.2

Sleep disturbance 睡眠障礙 780.50 780.50
Loss sense of smell 嗅覺喪失 781.1 781.1
Neck mass 頸部腫塊 784.2 784.2
Dysphonia 發音障礙 784.49 784.49
Dysarthria 構音異常,口吃 784.5 784.5
Epistaxis 流鼻血 784.7 784.7
Lymphadenopathy 淋巴病變 785.6 785.6
Cough 咳嗽 786.2 786.2
Dysphagia 吞嚥困難 787.2 787.2

Foreign body 異物
Foreign body in ear 耳之異物 931 931
Foreign body in nose 鼻之異物 932 932
Foreign body in pharynx 咽之異物 933.0 933.0
Foreign body in larynx 喉之異物 933.1 933.1
Foreign body in trachea 氣管之異物 934.0 934.0
Foreign body in bronchus 支氣管之異物 934.1 934.1
Foreign body in respiratory tract 呼吸道之異物 934.9 934.9
Foreign body in esophagus 食道之異物 935.1 935.1

Lymphadenitis 淋巴腺炎 289.3 289.3
Facial paralysis 顏面神經痳痺 351.0 351.0
Cellulitis and abscess of neck 頸部蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 682.1 682.1
Developmental speech disorder 語言發展障礙 315.39 315.39
Thyroid disease 甲狀腺疾病 246.9 246.9
Benign prostate hypertrophy 良性攝護腺肥大 600 600.0
Renal stone 腎結石 592.0 592.0
Ureteral stone 輸尿管結石 592.1 592.1
Urinary calculus 尿路結石 592.9 592.9
Bladder neck contracture 膀胱頸攣縮 596.0 596.0
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Stress incontinence (urine) 小便失禁(女性) 625.6 625.6
Incontinence of urine 小便失禁 788.3 788.30
Retention of urine 小便滯留 788.2 788.20
Renal cyst 腎囊腫 593.2 593.2
Cystitis 膀胱炎 595.9 595.9
Prostate cancer 攝護腺癌 185 185
Bladder cancer 膀胱癌 188.9 188.9
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Prostatitis 攝護腺炎 601.9 601.9
Neurogenic bladder 神經性膀胱 344.61 596.54
Kidney cancer 腎臟癌 189.0 189.0
Stricture of ureter 輸尿管狹窄 593.3 593.3
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 591 591
Infertility, male 不孕症, 男性 606.9 606.9
Chronic renal failure 慢性腎衰竭 585 585
Redundant prepuce 包皮過長 605 605
Phimosis 包莖 605 605
Orchitis and epididymitis 睪丸炎及副睪丸炎 604.90 604.90
Chronic pyelonephritis 慢性腎盂腎炎 590.00 590.00
Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Pyelonephritis 腎盂腎炎 590.80 590.80
Varicocele 精索靜脈曲張 456.4 456.4
Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝氣 550.90 550.90
Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Hydrocele 陰囊水腫 603.9 603.9
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 054.9 054.9
Urogenital gonorrhea 泌尿生殖道淋病雙球菌感染 098.0 098.0
Spinal stenosis of lumbar region 腰椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Eczema 濕疹 692.9 692.9
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7
Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 682.9 682.9
Impotence, organic 器官性陽萎 607.84 607.84
Impotence, psychogenic 心因性陽萎 302.72 302.72
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Fatty liver 脂肪肝 571.8 571.8
Hepatitis B B型肝炎 070.30 070.30
Hepatitis C C型肝炎 070.51 070.51
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 372.30 372.30
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Herniated of intervertebral disc 腰椎椎肩盤突出 722.10 722.10
Cystocele 膀胱脫垂 618.0 618.0
Syphilis 梅毒 097.9 097.9
Ventral hernia 腹壁疝氣 553.2 553.2
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Vesical stone 膀胱結石 594.1 594.1
Old cerebrovascular accident 陳舊性中風 438 438.9
Heart failure 心臟衰竭 428.9 428.9
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆 733.00 733.00
Cerebrovascular accident 中風 436 436
Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 531.90 531.90
Urethral stricture 尿道狹窄 598.9 598.9
Uremia 尿毒症 586 586
Other disorders of prostate 其他攝護腺疾患 602.9 602.9
Tuberculosis 結核病 011.90 011.90
Urethritis 尿道炎 597.80 597.80
Chronic paranasal sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.8 214.8
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Open wound of penis 睪丸開放性傷口 878.0 878.0
Myofacial pain 肌膜疼痛症候群 729.1 729.1
Intestinal obstruction 腸阻塞 560.9 560.9
Acute nasopharyngitis(common cold) 急性鼻咽炎(感冒) 460 460
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Varicose veins 下肢靜脈曲張 454.9 454.9
Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈疾病 414.0 414.00
Angina pectoris 心絞痛 413.9 413.9
Adenomyosis 子宮內膜異位 617.0 617.0
Chocolate cyst 巧克力囊腫 617.1 617.1
Pelvic inflammatory disease 骨盆腔炎 614.9 614.9
Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Disorders of liver 肝疾患 573.8 573.8
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺機能亢進 242.90 242.90
Bronchitis 支氣管炎 490 490
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 愛滋病 042.9 042
Candidiasis 念珠菌病 112.0 112.0
Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4
Atherosclerosis 動脈粥樣硬化 440.9 440.9
Depressive disorder 憂鬱性疾患 311 311
Appendicitis 闌尾炎 541 541
Chronic glomerulonephritis 慢性腎盂腎炎 582.9 582.9
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 上消化道出血 578.9 578.9
Nephrotic syndrome 腎症侯群 581.9 581.9
Senile dementia 老年痴呆症 290.0 290.0
Nodular goiter 結節性甲狀腺腫 241.9 241.9
Goiter 甲狀腺腫 240.9 240.9
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 陣發性心博過速 427.0 427.0
Chronic pharyngitis 慢性咽炎 472.1 472.1
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺病 496 496
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Allergic reaction 過敏反應 995.3 995.3
Ascites 腹水 789.5 789.5
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Edema 水腫 782.3 782.3
Fever 發燒 780.6 780.6
Gastrointestinal bleeding 胃腸道出血 578.9 578.9
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7
Hypotension 低血壓 458.9 458.9
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Low back pain, lumbago, low back syndrome 下背痛 724.2 724.2
Myalgia, myofascial pain syndrome 肌痛 / 肌筋膜痛徵候群 729.1 729.1
Proteinuria 蛋白尿 791.0 791.0
Pruritus 皮膚搔癢症 698.9 698.9
Renal colic 腎絞痛 788.0 788.0
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Acute cystitis 急性膀胱炎 595.0 595.0
Acute gastroenteritis 急性胃腸炎 558.9 558.9
Acute glomerulonephritis 急性腎絲球腎炎 580.9 580.9
Acute lung edema 急性肺水腫 518.4 518.4
Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Acute renal failure 急性腎衰竭 584.9 584.9
Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis 急性腎衰竭,併腎小管壞死病灶 584.5 584.5
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Atony of bladder 膀胱無張力 596.4 596.4
Benign prostate hypertrophy 攝護腺(前列腺)增生 600 600.0
Bladder cancer 膀胱惡性腫瘤 188.9 188.9
Bladder stone 膀胱結石 594.1 594.1
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Cerebrovascular disease 腦血管疾病 437.9 437.9
Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 491.9 491.9
Chronic glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎 582.9 582.9
Chronic glomerulonephritis in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎,併膜狀增生性腎絲球腎炎 582.2 582.2
Chronic glomerulonephritis in membranous glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎,併膜狀腎絲球腎炎 582.1 582.1
Chronic glomerulonephritis in rapid progressive glomerulonephritis 慢性腎絲球腎炎,併快速進行性腎絲球腎炎 582.4 582.4
Chronic glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus 全身紅斑性狼瘡併慢性腎絲球腎炎 710.0 + 582.81 710.0 + 582.81
Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 571.40 571.40
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 496 496
Chronic pyelonephritis 慢性腎盂腎炎 590.00 590.00
Chronic renal failure ( End stage renal disease ) 慢性腎衰竭 585 585
Colon cancer 結腸惡性腫瘤 153.9 153.9
Complication of kidney transplantation 腎臟移植併發症 996.81 996.81
Congestive heart disease 充血性心臟衰竭 428.0 428.0
Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈疾病 414.0 414.00
Cyst of kidney, acquired 後天性腎囊腫 593.2 593.2
Cystic kidney disease 囊腫性腎病 753.10 753.10
Cystitis 膀胱炎 595.9 595.9
Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetes mellitus with background diabetic retinopathy (BDR) 背景型糖尿病視網膜病變 250.50 + 362.01 250.50 + 362.01
Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy 糖尿病腎病變 250.40 + 583.81 250.40 + 583.81
Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy 糖尿病神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2
Diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) 增殖型糖尿病視網膜病變 250.50 + 362.02 250.50 + 362.02
Diabetes mellitus, insulin dependent 糖尿病(胰島素依賴型,幼年型) 250.01 250.01
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Essential hypertension 本態性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Exit site or tunnel infection, hemodialysis 血液透析導管出口處或隧道感染症 996.62 996.62
Exit site or tunnel infection, peritoneal dialysis 腹膜透析導管出口處或隧道感染症 996.59 996.59
Fatty liver 脂肪肝 571.8 571.8
Functional disorders of bladder 膀胱功能障礙 596.5 596.5
Functional disorder of stomach 胃功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Gallstone 膽囊結石 574.20 574.20
Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 531.90 531.90
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus 全身紅斑性狼瘡併腎絲球腎炎 "710.0 +
583.81" "710.0 +
Gouty arthritis 痛風性關節炎 274.0 274.0
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Hepatoma 肝癌 155.0 155.0
Hepatorenal syndrome 肝腎徵候群 572.4 572.4
Hydronephrosis 腎水腫 591 591
Hyperlipidemia 高脂血症 272.4 272.4
Hyperosmolality and /or hypernatremia 高滲透壓及/或血鈉過高症 276.0 276.0
Hyperpotassaemia 血鉀過高症 276.7 276.7
Hypertensive renal disease 高血壓性腎臟疾病 403.90 403.90
Hypopotassaemia 血鉀過低症 276.8 276.8
Hyposmolality and /or hyponatremia 低滲透壓及/或血鈉過低症 276.1 276.1
IgA, IgM nephritis IgA,IgM 腎炎 583.89 583.89
Iron deficiency anemia 鐵質缺乏性貧血 280.9 280.9
Irritable bowel syndrome 激躁性結腸症 564.1 564.1
Kidney transplantation 腎臟器官或組織之移植術後狀態 V42.0 V42.0
Liver cirrhosis 肝硬化 571.5 571.5
Lung cancer 肺癌 162.9 162.9
Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis 腎臟惡性腫瘤,腎盂除外 189.0 189.0
Multiple myeloma 多發性骨髓瘤 203.00 203.00
Nephritis and nephropathy 腎炎及腎病變 583.9 583.9
Nephrotic syndrome 腎病徵候群 581.9 581.9
Nephrotic syndrome in amylodosis 類澱粉病併腎病徵候群 277.3 + 581.81 277.3 + 581.81
Nephrotic syndrome in focal segmental glomerular sclerosis 腎病徵候群,併局部區段性腎絲球硬化 581.1 581.1
Nephrotic syndrome in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 腎病徵候群,併膜狀增生性腎絲球腎炎 581.2 581.2
Nephrotic syndrome in membranous glomerulonephritis 腎病徵候群,併膜狀腎絲球腎炎 581.1 581.1
Nephrotic syndrome in minimal change disease 腎病徵候群,併微量變化絲球腎炎病灶 581.3 581.3
Nephrotic syndrome in proliferative glomerulonephritis 腎病徵候群,併增生性腎絲球腎炎 581.0 581.0
Obstructive uropathy 阻塞性尿路病變 599.6 599.6
Osteoarthritis 骨關節病 715.90 715.90
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Peritonitis 腹膜炎 567.9 567.9
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Polycystic kidney 多囊性腎 753.12 753.12
Pure hypercholesterolaemia 純高膽固醇血症 272.0 272.0
Pure hypertriglyceridemia 純高三酸甘油脂血症 272.1 272.1
Rapid progressive glomerulonephritis 快速進行性腎絲球腎炎 583.4 583.4
Rapidly progressive renal failure 快速進行性腎衰竭 586 586
Rectum cancer 直腸惡性腫瘤 154.1 154.1
Renal and perinephric abscess 腎臟及腎周圍膿瘍 590.2 590.2
Renal failure 腎衰竭 586 586
Renal or perirenal hematoma 腎臟及腎周圍出血或血腫 593.81 593.81
Renal or perirenal hemorrhage (resulting from a surgical procedure) 腎臟及腎周圍出血 ( 醫療程序引起之併發症 ) 998.1 998.11
Renal or perirenal hematoma (resulting from a surgical procedure) 腎臟及腎周圍血腫 ( 醫療程序引起之併發症 ) 998.1 998.12
Renal osteodystrophy 腎性骨發育不全 588.0 588.0
Renal pelvis cancer 腎盂惡性腫瘤 189.1 189.1
Renal stone 腎結石 592.0 592.0
Secondary hyperparathyroidism 續發性副甲狀腺功能亢進 588.8 588.8
Secondary hypertension 續發性高血壓 405.99 405.99
Simple cyst, renal 單純性腎囊腫 593.81 593.81
Systemic lupus erythematosus 紅斑性狼瘡 710.0 710.0
Tuberculosis of kidney 腎結核病 016.00 016.00
Tuberculosis of lung 肺結核病 011.90 011.90
Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Ureter stone 輸尿管結石 592.1 592.1
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Vascular access infection ( arteriovenous shunt ) 動靜脈廔管之血管通路發炎 996.62 996.62
Vascular access occlusion ( arteriovenous shunt ) 動靜脈廔管之血管通路阻塞 996.1 996.1
Vascular disorders of kidney 腎血管疾病 593.81 593.81
Vasculitis 血管炎 447.6 447.6
Vesicoureteral reflux 膀胱輸尿管尿液倒流 593.7 593.7
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Acute corditis 急性聲帶炎 478.5 478.5
Acute otitis externa 急性外耳炎 380.10 380.10
Acute otitis media 急性中耳炎 382.9 382.9
Acute pharyngitis 急性咽炎 462 462
Acute sinusitis 急性鼻竇炎 461.9 461.9
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Acute upper respiratory infection 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發性位置性眩暈 386.11 386.11
Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張症 494 494.0
Chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎 491.9 491.9
Chronic pharyngitis 慢性咽炎 472.1 472.1
Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 472.0 472.0
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Hearing impairment 聽力不全 389.9 389.9
Influenza 流行性感冒 487.1 487.1
Meniere's disease 梅尼耳氏症 386.00 386.00
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 496 496
Otomycosis 外耳道黴菌症 "111.8 +
380.15" "111.8 +
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Pulmonary emphysema 肺氣腫 492.8 492.8
Vestibulopathy 前庭病變 386.12 386.12

Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Abnormal feces 大便異常 787.7 787.7
Abnormal liver function test 肝功能檢驗異常 794.8 794.8
Acute gastroenteritis 腸胃炎 558.9 558.9
Alcoholic liver disease 酒精性肝病 571.3 571.3
Hepatitis B B 型盰炎 070.30 070.30
Hepatitis C C 型盰炎 070.51 070.51
Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis 膽結石合併膽囊炎 574.10 574.10
Chronic hepatitis 慢性肝炎 571.40 571.40
Chronic pancreatitis 慢性胰臟炎 577.1 577.1
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Disease of esophagus 食道疾病 530.9 530.9
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Fatty liver 脂肪肝 571.8 571.8
Functional gastrointestinal disturbance 功能性胃腸機能障礙 536.9 536.9
Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 531.90 531.90
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Gastrointestinal bleeding 腸胃道出血 578.9 578.9
Hernia 疝氣 553.9 553.9
Irritable bowel syndrome 激躁性腸症候群 564.1 564.1
Jaundice 黃膽 782.4 782.4
Liver cirrhosis 肝硬化 571.5 571.5
Other gastrointestinal symptoms 其他消化道症狀 787.9 787.9
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Reflux esophagitis 逆流性食道炎 530.1 530.11
Viral hepatitis 病毒性肝炎 070.9 070.9
Arthritis 關節炎 716.90 716.90
Back pain 背部疼痛 724.5 724.5
Fasciitis 筋膜炎 729.4 729.4
Frozen shoulder 冰凍肩 726.0 726.0
Intervertebral disc disorder 椎間盤疾患 722.90 722.90
Joint pain 關節痛 719.40 719.40
Lumbago 腰酸痛 724.2 724.2
Myalgia 肌痛 729.1 729.1
Osteoarthritis 骨性關節炎 715.90 715.90
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Plantar fasciitis 蹠面(足底)筋膜炎 728.71 728.71
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風溼性關節炎 714.0 714.0
Sprain 扭傷拉傷 848.9 848.9
Tendinitis 肌腱炎 727.00 727.00

Angina pectoris 心絞痛 413.9 413.9
Arrhythmia 心律不整 427.9 427.9
Atherosclerosis 動脈粥樣硬化 440.9 440.9
Cardiac neurosis 心因性心臟血管系統功能障礙 306.2 306.2
Chest tightness 胸悶 786.59 786.59
Congestive heart failure 充血性心衰竭 428.0 428.0
Coronary artery disease 冠狀動脈心臟病 414.0 414.00
Dyspnea 呼吸困難 786.09 786.09
Heart disease 心臟病 429.9 429.9
Orthostatic hypotension 直立性低血壓 458.0 458.0
Hypertension 高血壓 401.9 401.9
Palpitation 心悸 785.1 785.1
Peripheral vascular disease 周邊血管疾病 443.9 443.9
Phlebitis 靜脈炎 451.9 451.9
Rheumatic heart disease 風濕性心臟病 398.90 398.90
Valvular heart disease 瓣膜性心臟病 424.90 424.90
Varicose vein 靜脈曲張 454.9 454.9

Alzheimer's disease 阿茲海默症 331.0 331.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕部隧道症候群 354.0 354.0
Cerebral atherosclerosis 腦血管動脈粥樣硬化 437.0 437.0
Cerebral infarction 大腦梗塞 434.9 434.91
Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Disease of nervous system 神經系統疾病 349.9 349.9
Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Gait abnormality 步態異常 781.2 781.2
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0

Acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎 590.10 590.10
Hematuria 血尿 599.7 599.7
Impotence, organic 器質性陽萎 607.84 607.84
Impotence, psychogenic 心因性陽萎 302.72 302.72
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Irritable bladder 激躁性膀胱 596.8 596.8
Limbs cramp 肢體痙攣 729.82 729.82
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.9 346.9
Abnormality of urination 小便異常 788.6 788.6
Parkinson's disease 巴金森氏症 332.0 332.0
Peripheral neuropathy 周圍神經病變 356.9 356.9
Proteinuria 蛋白尿 791.0 791.0
Renal colic 腎絞痛 788.0 788.0
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Senile dementia 老年癡呆症 290.0 290.0
Sequelae of stroke 中風後遺症 438 438.9
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Urinary calculus 泌尿道結石 592.9 592.9

Diabetes mellitus(no complication) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetic nephropathy 糖尿病腎病變 "250.40+
583.81" "250.40+
Diabetic neuropathy 糖尿病神經病變 "250.60+
357.2" "250.60+
Disorders of thyroid gland 甲狀腺疾患 246.9 246.9
Failure to thrive 成長失調 783.4 783.41
Growth retardation 生長遲緩 783.4 783.43
Goiter 甲狀腺腫 240.9 240.9
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Hyperlipoproteinemia 高脂蛋白血症 272.4 272.4
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺功能亢進 242.90 242.90
Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺功能低下 244.9 244.9
Obesity 肥胖 278.0 278.00
Endocrine diseases 內分泌疾病 259.8 259.8

Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Iron deficiency anemia 缺鐵性貧血 280.9 280.9
Disease of blood and blood-forming organs 血液及造血器官疾病 289.8 289.8
Spontaneous ecchymoses 自發性瘀斑 782.7 782.7
Thalassemia 地中海貧血 282.4 282.4
Thrombocytopenia 血小板低下 287.5 287.5

Dysfunction uterine bleeding 功能不良子宮出血 626.8 626.8
Dysmenorrhea 經痛 625.3 625.3
Lump or mass in breast 乳房硬塊 611.72 611.72
Mastitis 乳腺炎 611.0 611.0
Menstruation disorder 月經異常 626.9 626.9
Pelvic inflammatory disease 骨盆腔發炎 614.9 614.9
Post-menopausal syndrome 停經後症候群 627.9 627.9
Premenstrual syndrome 經前症候群 625.4 625.4
Stress incontinence, female 女性壓力性尿失禁 625.6 625.6
Vulvovaginitis 女陰陰道炎 616.10 616.10

Acute conjunctivitis 急性結膜炎 372.00 372.00
Allergic conjunctivitis 過敏性結膜炎 372.14 372.14
Cataract 白內障 366.9 366.9
Chalazion 瞼板腺囊腫 373.2 373.2
Chronic conjunctivitis 慢性結膜炎 372.10 372.10
Dry eye (Tear film insufficiency) 淚液薄膜不足 375.15 375.15
Epiphora 淚溢 375.20 375.20
Eye strain 眼疲勞 368.13 368.13
Glaucoma 青光眼 365.9 365.9
Refractive error 屈光異常 367.9 367.9
Retinopathy 視網膜病變 362.10 362.10
Xerophthalmia 乾眼症 372.53 372.53

Seborrheic dermatitis 脂漏性皮膚炎 690 690.10
Tinea pedis 足癬 110.4 110.4
Tinea versicolor 汗斑 111.0 111.0
Carbuncles and furuncles 癰,癤 680.9 680.9
Paronychia 甲溝炎 681.9 681.9
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Atopic dermatitis 異位性皮膚炎 691.8 691.8
Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚炎 692.9 692.9
Psoriasis 牛皮癬 696.1 696.1
Folliculitis 毛囊炎 704.8 704.8
Acne vulgaris 痤瘡 706.1 706.1
Pressure sore 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Swelling mass or lump, superficial, localized 皮膚腫塊 782.2 782.2
Alopecia areata 斑禿 704.01 704.01
Pompholyx 汗皰疹 705.81 705.81
Verruca 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10
Onychomycosis 甲癬 110.1 110.1
Leukoderma 白斑症 709.0 709.09

Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Congenital anomalies 先天畸型 759.9 759.9
General symptoms 其他一般症狀 780.9 780.9
Malaise and fatigue 倦怠 780.7 780.79
Oral ulcer 口腔潰瘍 528.9 528.9
Anorexia 厭食 783.0 783.0
Abnormal weight gain 體重增加 783.1 783.1
Abnormal loss of weight 體重下降 783.2 783.21
Malnutrition 營養不良 263.9 263.9
Edema 水腫 782.3 782.3
Gingival and periodontal disease 齒齦與牙周疾病 523.9 523.9
Dental caries 齲齒 521.0 521.0
Prophylactic vaccination 預防性疫苗 V05.9 V05.9
Health checkup 健康檢查 V70.0 V70.0
Laboratory examination 檢查 V72.6 V72.6
Supervision of other normal pregnancy (Antepartum examination) 產前檢查 V22.1 V22.1
Issue of medical certificates 開立診斷書 V68.0 V68.0
Explain health condition 解釋病情 V65.4 V65.40

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 人類免疫不全病毒感染 044.9 V08
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Measles 麻疹 055.9 055.9
Rubella 德國麻疹 056.9 056.9
Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹 053.9 053.9
Herpes simplex 單純性泡疹 054.9 054.9
Syphilis 梅毒 097.9 097.9
Gonorrhea 淋病 098.0 098.0
Enterobiasis 蟯蟲病(住腸腺蟲病) 127.4 127.4
Hand, foot and mouth disease 手、足、口症 074.3 074.3
Herpetic gingivostomatitis 泡疹性齒齦口腔炎 054.2 054.2

Anxiety 焦慮症 300.00 300.00
Hysteria 歇斯底里 300.10 300.10
Obsessive-compulsive disorders 強迫症 300.3 300.3
Neurotic disorder 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Depression 憂鬱症 311 311
Schizophrenia 精神分裂症 295.90 295.90
Affective disorder 情感性精神病 296.90 296.90
Psychosomatic disorder 身心官能症 306.9 306.9
Drug abuse 藥物濫用 305.90 305.90
Alcohol drunkenness 宿醉 303.90 303.90
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52

Superficial injury 表淺損傷 919.0 919.0
Brain concussion 腦震盪 850.9 850.9
Burn 燙傷 949.0 949.0
Fracture(close) 閉鎖性骨折 829.0 829.0
Fracture (open) 開放性骨折 829.1 829.1
Stitch abscess 縫線膿瘍 998.5 998.59
Change dressing 換藥 V58.3 V58.3
Foreign body miss swallowing 吞食異物 938 938

Cancer of mouth 口腔癌 145.9 145.9
Cancer of esophagus 食道癌 150.9 150.9
Cancer of stomach 胃癌 151.9 151.9
Cancer of colon 大腸癌 153.9 153.9
Cancer of rectum 直腸癌 154.1 154.1
Hepatoma 肝癌 155.0 155.0
Cancer of pancreas 胰臟癌 157.9 157.9
Cancer of Gastrointestinal tract 腸胃道惡性腫瘤 159.9 159.9
Cancer of lung 肺癌 162.9 162.9
Cancer of bone and cartilage 骨骼及關節軟骨之惡性腫瘤 170.9 170.9
Cancer of connective tissue 結締組織癌 171.9 171.9
Cancer of breast, female 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 174.9 174.9
Cancer of ovary 卵巢癌 183.0 183.0
Cancer of prostate 攝護腺癌 185 185
Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺癌 193 193
Cancer of unspecified site 原發不明之癌症 199.1 199.1
Malignant skull tumor 顱骨惡性腫瘤 170.0 170.0
Malignant scalp tumor 頭皮惡性腫瘤 173.4 173.4
Malignant cerebrum tumor 大腦惡性腫瘤 191.0 191.0
Malignant cerebellum tumor 小腦惡性腫瘤 191.6 191.6
Malignant brain stem tumor 腦幹惡性腫瘤 191.7 191.7
Malignant neoplasm of brain 腦惡性腫瘤 191.9 191.9
Malignant cranial nerve tumor 顱神經惡性腫瘤 192.0 192.0
Malignant cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜惡性腫瘤 192.1 192.1
Malignant spinal cord tumor 脊髓惡性腫瘤 192.2 192.2
Malignant spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜惡性腫瘤 192.3 192.3
Metastatic spinal tumor 脊椎之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.5 198.5
Metastatic brain tumor 腦之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.3 198.3
Benign skull tumor 顱骨良性腫瘤 213.0 213.0
Benign scalp tumor 頭皮良性腫瘤 216.4 216.4
Benign brain tumor 腦部良性腫瘤 225.0 225.0
Benign cranial nerve tumor 腦神經良性腫瘤 225.1 225.1
Benign cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜良性腫瘤 225.2 225.2
Benign spinal cord tumor 脊髓良性腫瘤 225.3 225.3
Benign spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜良性腫瘤 225.4 225.4
Brain tumor 腦腫瘤 239.6 239.6
Spinal cord tumor 脊髓腫瘤 239.7 239.7

Postconcussional syndrome 腦震盪後徵候群 310.2 310.2
Anoxic brain damage 腦缺氧損傷 348.1 348.1
Cerebral edema 腦水腫 348.5 348.5
Skull defect 顱骨缺損 738.1 738.10
Fracture of skull, closed 閉鎖性顱骨骨折 803.00 803.00
Fracture of skull, open 開放性顱骨骨折 803.50 803.50
Fracture of skull with contusion of brain 顱骨骨折合併腦挫傷 803.10 803.10
Fracture of skull with epidural hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併硬腦膜上出血 803.20 803.20
Fracture of skull with subdural hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併硬腦膜下出血 803.20 803.20
Fracture of skull with subarachnoid hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併蜘蛛網膜下出血 803.20 803.20
Fracture of skull with intracranial hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併腦出血 803.30 803.30
Fracture of skull with intracranial injury 顱骨骨折合併顱內損傷 803.40 803.40
Fracture of cervical spine 頸椎骨折 805.00 805.00
Fracture of thoracic spine 胸椎骨折 805.2 805.2
Fracture of lumbar spine 腰椎骨折 805.4 805.4
Fracture of cervical spine with cord injury 頸椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.00 806.00
Fracture of thoracic spine with cord injury 胸椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.20 806.20
Fracture of lumbar spine with cord injury 腰椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.4 806.4
Brain concussion 腦震盪 850.9 850.9
Brain contusion 腦挫傷 851.80 851.80
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 外傷性蜘蛛網膜下出血 852.00 852.00
Traumatic subdural hemorrhage 外傷性硬腦膜下出血 852.20 852.20
Traumatic epidural hemorrhage 外傷性硬腦膜上出血 852.40 852.40
Carotid-cavernous fistula 頸動脈海綿竇廔管 853.00 853.00
Traumatic brain hemorrhage 外傷性腦出血 853.00 853.00
Head injury 頭部外傷 854.00 959.01
Scalp laceration 頭皮撕裂傷 873.0 873.0
Late effect of intracranial injury 顱內損傷之後遺症 907.0 907.0
Scalp, face contusion 頭皮、臉之挫傷 920 920
Cranial nerve injury 顱神經損傷 951.9 951.9
Spinal cord injury, cervical 頸椎脊髓損傷 952.00 952.00
Spinal cord injury, thoracic 胸椎脊髓損傷 952.10 952.10
Spinal cord injury, lumbar 腰椎脊髓損傷 952.2 952.2
Nerve injury 神經損傷 957.9 957.9

Cervical spondylosis 頸部椎關節黏連 721.0 721.0
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy 伴有脊髓病變之頸部椎關節黏連 721.1 721.1
Thoracic spondylosis 胸部椎關節黏連 721.2 721.2
Lumbar spondylosis 腰胝骨椎關節黏連 721.3 721.3
Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy 伴有脊髓病變之胸部椎關節黏連 721.41 721.41
Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy 伴有脊髓病變之腰部椎關節黏連 721.42 721.42
Herniation of cervical intervertebal disc 頸部椎間盤移位 722.0 722.0
Herniation of thoracic intervertebal disc 胸部椎間盤移位 722.11 722.11
Herniation of humbar intervertebal disc 腰部椎間盤移位 722.10 722.10
Spinal stenosis, cervical region 頸部脊椎狹窄 723.0 723.0
Torticollis 斜頸 723.5 723.5
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, cervical region 頸部後縱韌帶骨化 723.7 723.7
Spinal stenosis, in thoracic spine 胸部脊椎狹窄 724.01 724.01
Spinal stenosis, in lumbar spine 腰部脊椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) 後縱韌帶骨化 724.8 724.8
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Spondylolisthesis(acquired) 後天性脊椎滑脫 738.4 738.4

Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 430
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 432.1
Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 432.9
Cerebral artery occlussion 腦動脈阻塞 434.9 434.90
Transient ischemic attack 暫時性腦部缺氧 435.9 435.9
Cerebral aneurysm 腦部動脈瘤 437.3 437.3
Moyamoya disease 腦部小血管雲霧狀疾病 437.5 437.5
Intracranical arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of brain 腦動靜脈畸形 747.81 747.81
Congenital cerebral aneurysm 先天性腦部動脈瘤 747.81 747.81

Arnold-chiari syndrome Arnold-chiari氏症候群 741.00 741.00
Spinal bifida 脊椎裂 741.90 741.90
Myelomeningocele 脊髓脊膜膨出 741.90 741.90
Encephalocele 腦膨出 742.0 742.0
Meningocele, cerebral 腦膜膨出 742.0 742.0
Congenital hydrocephalus 先天性水腦症 742.3 742.3
Tethered cord syndrome 腰脊髓粘連症候群 742.59 742.59
Congenital anomaly of nervous system 先天性神經系統畸形 742.9 742.9
Cerebral palsy 腦性痳痺 343.9 343.9
Cerebral cyst 腦囊腫 348.0 348.0

Tuberculosis of brain 腦結核病 013.20 013.20
Tuberculosis of spine 脊椎結核病 "015.00 +
730.88" "015.00 +
Viral meningitis 病毒性腦膜炎 047.9 047.9
Bacterial meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 320.9
Meningitis 腦膜炎 322.9 322.9
Encephalitis, Myelitis 腦炎、脊髓炎 323.9 323.9
Intracranial abscess 顱內膿瘍 324.0 324.0
Intraspinal abscess 椎管內膿瘍 324.1 324.1
Postoperative infection 手術後感染 998.5 998.59

Branchial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 353.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 354.0
Cubital tunnel syndrome 肘隧道徵候群 354.2 354.2
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 跗隧道徵候群 355.5 355.5
Peripheral neuropathy 末梢神經疾病 356.9 356.9

Communicating hydrocephalus 交通性水腦症 331.3 331.3
Non-communicating hydrocephalus 非交通性水腦症 331.4 331.4
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.9 346.90
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Facial palsy 面神經麻痺 351.0 351.0
Facial nerve disorders 面神經疾患 351.9 351.9
Cranial nerve lesion 顱神經病灶 352.9 352.9
Meniere's disease 梅尼爾病 386.00 386.00
Bromhidrosis 汗臭症 705.89 705.89
Craniosynostosis 顱縫線封閉過早 756.0 756.0
Vertigo 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Hyperhidrosis 多汗 780.8 780.8
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Abnormal involuntary movements 異常不隨意運動 781.0 781.0
Abnormality of gait 步態不穩 781.2 781.2
Acute cerebrovascular disease 急性腦血管疾病 436 436
Acute infective polyneuritis 急性感染性多發神經炎 357.0 357.0
Alzheimer's disease 阿茲海默病 331.0 331.0
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎縮性側索硬化 335.20 335.20
Ankylosing spondylitis 關節粘連性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Anomalies of cerebrovascular system 腦血管系統之畸形 747.81 747.81
Anoxic brain damage 腦缺氧損傷 348.1 348.1
Arteriosclerotic dementia 動脈硬化性癡呆症 290.40 290.40
Bacterial meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 320.9
Basilar artery syndrome 基底動脈徵候群 435.0 435.0
Bell's palsy 貝爾麻痺(面神經麻痺) 351.0 351.0
Benign intracranial hypertension 良性顱內高壓症 348.2 348.2
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發性位置性眩暈 386.11 386.11
Blepharospasm 瞼痙攣 333.81 333.81
Brain tumor 腦腫瘤 239.6 239.6
Branchial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 353.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 354.0
Cerebellar ataxia 小腦性運動失調 334.3 334.3
Cerebral artery occlussion 腦動脈阻塞 434.9 434.90
Cerebral degeneration 大腦變性 331.9 331.9
Cervical intervertebral disc disorder 頸部椎間盤疾患 722.91 722.91
Cervical spondylosis 頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.0 721.0
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy 伴有脊髓病變之頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.1 721.1
Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Cryptococcal meningitis 囊球菌性腦膜炎 "117.5 +
321.0" "117.5 +
Dementia 癡呆 298.9 298.9
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetic neuropathy 糖尿性多發神經疾病 "250.60 +
357.2" "250.60 +
Disorder of copper metabolism 銅代謝失調症 275.1 275.1
Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Encephalitis 腦炎 323.9 323.9
Encephalopathy 腦病 348.3 348.3
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Essential tremor 自發性震顫 333.1 333.1
Extrapyramidal diseases 錐體外路疾病 333.90 333.90
Facial nerve disorders 面神經疾患 351.8 351.8
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Herniation of intervertebral disc 椎間盤凸出 722.2 722.2
Huntington's chorea 亨庭頓舞蹈症 333.4 333.4
Hydrocephalus 水腦症 331.4 331.4
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症 272.4 272.4
Hypertensive encephalopathy 高血壓性腦病變 437.2 437.2
Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy 發炎性及毒性神經疾病 357.9 357.9
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve 外側膕神經病灶 355.3 355.3
Lesion of radial nerve 撓骨神經病灶 354.3 354.3
Lesion of sciatiac nerve 坐骨神經病灶 355.0 355.0
Lesion of ulnar nerve 尺骨神經病灶 354.2 354.2
Low back pain 下背痛 724.2 724.2
Lumbar intervertebral disc disorder 腰部椎間盤疾患 722.93 722.93
Lumbosacral spondylosis 腰胝骨退化性脊椎炎 721.3 721.3
Meniere's disease 梅尼爾病 386.00 386.00
Meningitis 腦膜炎 322.9 322.9
Meralgia paresthetica 感覺異常性股痛 355.1 355.1
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.9 346.90
Mononeuritis multiplex 多發性單一神經炎 354.5 354.5
Motor neuron disease 運動神經元疾病 335.20 335.20
Multiple cranial nerve paralysis 多發性顱神經麻痺 352.6 352.6
Multiple sclerosis 多發性硬化症 340 340
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Myasthenia gravis 重症肌無力 358.0 358.0
Myoclonus 肌陣攣 333.2 333.2
Neuralgic amyotrophy 神經痛性肌萎縮症 353.5 353.5
Neuropathy 神經病變 355.9 355.9
Neurotic disorder 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Optic neuritis 視神經炎 377.30 377.30
Orofacial dyskinesia 口面部異動症 333.82 333.82
Paralysis 痳痺 344.9 344.9
Parkinson's disease 巴金森病 332.0 332.0
Polyneuropathy 多發性神經病變 356.9 356.9
Postconcussion syndrome 腦震盪後徵候群 310.2 310.2
Psychophysiological malfunction 心理生理功能障礙 306.9 306.9
Psychosis 精神病 298.9 298.9
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord 腦及脊髓之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.3 198.3
Secondary parkinsonism 續發性巴金森病態 332.1 332.1
Senile dementia 老年期癡呆症 290.0 290.0
Spasmodic torticollis 痙攣性斜頸 333.83 333.83
Spinocerebellar disease 脊髓小腦疾病 334.9 334.9
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 430
Subclavian steal syndrome 鎖骨下動脈徵候群 435.2 435.2
Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 432.1
Tension headache 緊張性頭痛 307.81 307.81
Tic disorder 抽搐 307.20 307.20
Transient cerebral ischemia 暫時性腦部缺氧 435.9 435.9
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Tuberculosis meningitis 結核性腦膜炎 013.00 013.00
Vertebral artery syndrome 脊椎動脈徵候群 435.1 435.1
Vestibular neuronitis 前庭神經元炎 386.12 386.12
Viral meningitis 病毒性腦膜炎 047.9 047.9
Fracture of skull 顱骨骨折 803.00 803.00
Compression fracture 壓迫性骨折 733.1 733.10
Fracture of cervical 頸椎閉鎖性骨折 805.00 805.00
Fracture of thoracic 胸椎閉鎖性骨折 805.2 805.2
Fracture of lumbar 腰椎閉鎖性骨折 805.4 805.4
Fracture of lumbar, open 腰椎開放性骨折 805.5 805.5
Fracture of coccyx 尾骨閉鎖性骨折 805.6 805.6
Vertebral column fracture with spinal cord injury 脊椎骨折有脊髓損傷 806.8 806.8
Vertebral column fracture 脊椎骨折 805.8 805.8
Fracture of rib(s), closed 肋骨閉鎖性骨折 807.00 807.00
Fracture of rib(s), open 肋骨開放性骨折 807.10 807.10
Fracture of pelvis, closed 骨盆閉鎖性骨折 808.8 808.8
Fracture of pelvis, open 骨盆開放性骨折 808.9 808.9
Fracture of clavicle, closed 鎖骨閉鎖性骨折 810.00 810.00
Fracture of clavicle, open 鎖骨開放性骨折 810.10 810.10
Fracture of scapula, closed 肩胛骨閉鎖性骨折 811.00 811.00
Fracture of scapula, open 肩胛骨開放性骨折 811.10 811.10
Fracture of humerus, closed 肱骨閉鎖性骨折 812.20 812.20
Fracture of humerus, open 肱骨開放性骨折 812.30 812.30
Colles' fracture, closed 柯雷氏閉鎖性骨折 813.41 813.41
Colles' fracture, open 柯雷氏開放性骨折 813.51 813.51
Radius fracture, closed 橈骨閉鎖性骨折 813.81 813.81
Radius fracture, open 橈骨開放性骨折 813.91 813.91
Fracture of ulna, closed 尺骨閉鎖性骨折 813.82 813.82
Fracture of ulna, open 尺骨開放性骨折 813.92 813.92
Fracture of radius and ulna, closed 橈骨併尺骨閉鎖性骨折 813.83 813.83
Fracture of radius and ulna, open 橈骨併尺骨開放性骨折 813.93 813.93
Fracture of carpal, closed 腕骨閉鎖性骨折 814.00 814.00
Fracture of carpal, open 腕骨開放性骨折 814.10 814.10
Fracture of metacarpal, closed 掌骨閉鎖性骨折 815.00 815.00
Fracture of metacarpal, open 掌骨開放性骨折 815.10 815.10
Fracture of phalanx (hand), closed 指骨閉鎖性骨折 816.00 816.00
Fracture of phalanx (hand), open 指骨開放性骨折 816.10 816.10
Multiple hand bones fracture, closed 手骨多處閉鎖性骨折 817.0 817.0
Fracture of femur neck, closed 股骨頸閉鎖性骨折 820.8 820.8
Fracture of femur neck, open 股骨頸開放性骨折 820.9 820.9
Intertrochanteric fracture (ITF) of femur, closed 股骨轉子間閉鎖性骨折 820.21 820.21
Intertrochanteric fracture (ITF) of femur, open 股骨轉子間開放性骨折 820.31 820.31
Fracture of femur, closed 股骨閉鎖性骨折 821.00 821.00
Fracture of femur, open 股骨開放性骨折 821.10 821.10
Fracture of patella, closed 髕骨閉鎖性骨折 822.0 822.0
Fracture of patella, open 髕骨開放性骨折 822.1 822.1
Fracture of tibia, closed 脛骨閉鎖性骨折 823.80 823.80
Fracture of tibia, open 脛骨開放性骨折 823.90 823.90
Fracture of fibula, closed 腓骨閉鎖性骨折 823.81 823.81
Fracture of fibula, open 腓骨開放性骨折 823.91 823.91
Fracture of tibia and fibula, closed 脛骨併腓骨閉鎖性骨折 823.82 823.82
Fracture of tibia and fibula, open 脛骨併腓骨開放性骨折 823.92 823.92
Fracture of ankle, closed 踝閉鎖性骨折 824.8 824.8
Fracture of ankle, open 踝開放性骨折 824.9 824.9
Fracture of metatarsus 蹠骨骨折 825.25 825.25
Fracture of tarsus 跗骨骨折 825.29 825.29
Fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones, closed 跗或蹠骨閉鎖性骨折 825.29 825.29
Fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones, open 跗或蹠骨開放性骨折 825.39 825.39
Fracture of phalanx (foot) , closed 趾骨閉鎖性骨折 826.0 826.0
Fracture of phalanx (foot), open 趾骨開放性骨折 826.1 826.1
Multiple fracture, closed 多發性閉鎖性骨折 828.0 828.0
Multiple fracture, open 多發性開放性骨折 828.1 828.1
Malunion of fracture 癒合不良之骨折 733.81 733.81
Nonunion of fracture 不癒合之骨折 733.82 733.82
Pathological fracture 病理性骨折 733.1 733.10

Dislocation of mandible 頷骨脫臼 830.0 830.0
Dislocation of shoulder 肩脫臼 831.00 831.00
Dislocation of elbow 肘脫臼 832.00 832.00
Dislocation of wrist 腕脫臼 833.00 833.00
Dislocation of finger 手指脫臼 834.00 834.00
Dislocation of hip 臗脫臼 835.00 835.00
Dislocation of knee 膝脫臼 836.50 836.50
Dislocation of ankle 踝脫臼 837.0 837.0
Dislocation of foot 足脫臼 838.00 838.00

Rotator cuff tear 旋轉環帶撕裂傷 840.4 840.4
Sprains of shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂扭傷 840.9 840.9
Sprains of elbow and forearm 肘及前臂扭傷 841.9 841.9
Sprains of wrist 腕扭傷 842.09 842.09
Sprains of hand 手扭傷 842.19 842.19
Sprains of hip and thigh 髖及大腿扭傷 843.9 843.9
Meniscus tear 膝軟骨或半月板撕裂 836.2 836.2
Sprains of lateral collateral ligament of knee 外側側膝韌帶扭傷 844.0 844.0
Sprains of medial collateral ligament of knee 內側側膝韌帶扭傷 844.1 844.1
Cruciate sprains 膝十字韌帶扭傷 844.2 844.2
Sprains of knee and leg 膝及腿扭傷 844.9 844.9
Sprains of ankle 踝扭傷 845.09 845.09
Sprains of foot 足扭傷 845.19 845.19
Sprains of neck 頸部扭傷 847.0 847.0
Sprains of back 開放性背部受傷 847.9 847.9
Sprains or strain 扭傷及拉傷 848.9 848.9

Head injury 頭部外傷 854.00 959.01
Open wound of finger 手指開放性傷口 883.0 883.0
Open wound of finger with tendon involvement 手指開放性傷口,傷及肌腱者 883.2 883.2
Traumatic amputation of thumb 拇指截斷 885.0 885.0
Traumatic amputation of fingers 手指截斷 886.0 886.0
Traumatic amputation of arm and hand 臂及手截斷 887.0 887.0
Traumatic amputation of toe(s) 趾截斷 895.0 895.0
Traumatic amputation of foot 足截斷 896.0 896.0
Traumatic amputation of leg(s) 小腿截斷 897.0 897.0
Contusion of face,scalp and neck 臉,頭皮及頸之挫傷 920 920
Contusion of trunk 軀幹挫傷 922.9 922.9
Contusion of upper limb 上肢挫傷 923.9 923.9
Contusion of lower limb 下肢挫傷 924.9 924.9
Post-traumatic wound infection 創傷後傷口感染 958.3 958.3
Cellulitis 蜂窩組織炎 682.9 682.9
Postoperative infection 手術後傷口感染 998.5 998.59
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant and graft 體內矯形外科裝置物、種植及移植物所致之機械性併發症 996.4 996.4
Infection reaction due to internal joint prosthesis 體內關節義體所致之感染 996.66 996.66
Infection reaction due to internal orthopedic device, implant and graft 體內矯形裝置物、種植及移植物所致之感染 996.67 996.67

Pyogenic arthritis 化膿性關節炎 711.00 711.00
Infective arthritis 傳染性關節炎 711.90 711.90
Traumatic arthropathy 創傷性關節病變 716.10 716.10
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Osteoarthrosis of hip 髖骨關節病變 715.35 715.35
Osteoarthrosis of knee 膝骨關節病變 715.36 715.36
Osteoarthrosis 骨關節病變 715.90 715.90
Arthropathy 關節病變 716.90 716.90
Internal derangement of knee (IDK) 膝內部障礙 717.9 717.9
Meniscus tear (old) 半月板障礙(陳舊性) 717.5 717.5
Loose body in knee 膝關節游離體 717.6 717.6
Chondromalacia of patella 髕骨軟骨之軟化 717.7 717.7
Anterior cruciate ligament tear (old) 膝前十字韌帶陳舊性破裂 717.83 717.83
Posterior cruciate ligament tear (old) 膝後十字韌帶陳舊性破裂 717.84 717.84
Hemarthrosis 關節血腫 719.10 719.10
Stiffness of joint 關節僵直 719.50 719.50
Chronic osteomyelitis 慢性骨髓炎 730.10 730.10
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Ischemic necrosis femoral head (INFH) / Avascular necrosis femoral head (ANFH) 股骨頭無菌性骨壞死 733.42 733.42
Ankylosing spondylitis 關節粘連性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Degenerative joint disease of lumbar-spine 腰椎骨退化性脊椎炎 721.3 721.3
Degenerative joint disease 退化性脊椎炎 721.90 721.90
Herniated of intervertebral disease 椎間盤移位 722.2 722.2
Herniated of intervertebral disease of lumbar spine 腰部椎間盤移位 722.10 722.10
Spinal stenosis of cervical region 頸脊椎狹窄 723.0 723.0
Spinal stenosis 脊椎狹窄 724.00 724.00
Spinal stenosis of lumbar region 腰脊椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Backache 背痛 724.5 724.5
Baker's cyst Baker's 氏囊腫 727.51 727.51
Myofacial pain syndrome 肌膜疼痛症候群 729.1 729.1
Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis 神經痛、神經炎及神經根炎 729.2 729.2
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道症候群 354.0 354.0
Cubital tunnel syndrome 尺隧道症候群 354.2 354.2
Radial nerve lesion 橈骨神經病灶 354.3 354.3
Peroneal (common) nerve lesion 外側膕神經病灶 355.3 355.3
Kyphosis 脊柱後彎(駝背) 737.10 737.10
Scoliosis, idiopathic 自發性脊柱側彎 737.30 737.30
Spondylolisthesis 脊椎滑脫症 738.4 738.4
Frozen shoulder 冰凍肩 726.0 726.0
Tendinitis 肌腱炎 726.90 726.90
Bursitis 滑液囊炎 727.3 727.3
Tennis elbow 網球肘 726.32 726.32
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Trigger finger 板機指(後天性) 727.03 727.03
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD) 少年時期髖部及骨盆之骨軟骨症 732.1 732.1
Slipped capitas femoral epiphysis (SCFE) 滑脫股骨頭骨垢 732.2 732.2
Flat foot 扁平足 734 734
Hallux valgus 拇指外翻(後天性) 735.0 735.0
Mallet finger 鎚形手指 736.1 736.1
Acquired deformity of limb 肢體之後天性變形 736.9 736.9
Poliomyelitis 急性脊髓灰白質炎(小兒麻痺) 045.9 045.9
Late effect of acute poliomyelitis 急性脊髓灰質炎之後遺症 138 138
Cerebral palsy 腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9
Dislocation developmental hip, unilateral 髖骨先天性脫臼,單側 754.30 754.30
Club foot 畸形足 754.70 754.70
Polydactyly 多指(趾)畸形 755.00 755.00
Syndactyly 併指(趾)畸形 755.10 755.10

Herpes zoster 帶狀皰疹 053.9 053.9
Gouty arthropathy 痛風性關節病變 274.0 274.0
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Hypertensive cardiovascular disease 高血壓性心臟病 402.90 402.90
Cardiovascular disease 心臟血管疾病 429.2 429.2
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺機能亢進 242.90 242.90
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy 糖尿病併神經病變 "250.60+
357.2" "250.60+
Functional gastrointestinal disorder 胃腸功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Stomach ulcer 胃潰瘍 531.90 531.90
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 532.90 532.90
Acute gastroenteritis 胃腸炎 558.9 558.9
Constipation 便秘 564.0 564.0
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Inguinal hernia 腹股溝疝氣 550.90 550.90
Fatty liver 脂肪肝 571.8 571.8
Disorders of liver 肝疾病 573.8 573.8
Eczema 濕疹 692.9 692.9
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Tinea pedis 足癬 110.4 110.4
Tinea cruris 股癬 110.3 110.3
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Neurosis 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Anxiety neurosis 焦慮狀態 300.00 300.00
Hemiplegia 半身麻痺 342.9 342.90
Paralysis 癱瘓 344.9 344.9
Vertigo 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Upper respiratory infection 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺病 496 496
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 477.9 477.9
Uremia 腎衰竭 586 586
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Bed sore 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Parkinson's disease 帕金森病 332.0 332.0
Benign prostate hypertrophy 攝護腺(前列腺)增生 600 600.0
Cancer of bone and articular cartilage 骨骼及關節軟骨之惡性腫瘤 170.9 170.9
Cancer of connective and soft tissue 結締組織及軟組織之惡性腫瘤 171.9 171.9
Bone metastasis 骨骼及骨髓之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.5 198.5
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.1 214.1
Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva 子宮頸,陰道,及女陰之炎症 616.9 616.9
Inflammatory disease of uterus 子宮炎症(子宮頸除外) 615.9 615.9
Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue and peritoneum (PID) 卵巢,輸卵管,骨盆蜂窩組織及腹膜之炎症 614.9 614.9
Leukorrhoea 白帶 623.5 623.5
Pruritus of genital organ 生殖器官瘙癢 698.1 698.1
Cyst of Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺囊腫 616.2 616.2
Abscess of Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺膿瘍 616.3 616.3
Ulceration of vulva 女陰潰瘍 616.50 616.50
Trichomoniasis 滴蟲病 131.00 131.00
Candidiasis 念珠菌病 112.1 112.1
Prolapse of vaginal walls 陰道壁脫垂 618.0 618.0
Prolapse of uterus 子宮脫垂 618.1 618.1
Cystocele, urethrocele or rectocele 膀胱尿道或直腸膨出 618.0 618.0
Salpingitis and oophoritis 輸卵管炎及卵巢炎 614.2 614.2
Cervical erosion and ectropion 子宮頸糜爛及外翻 622.0 622.0
Dysplasia of cervix (CIN lesion) 子宮頸細胞化生不良 622.1 622.1
Endometrial hyperplasia 子宮內膜增生 621.3 621.3
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 子宮功能不良性出血 626.8 626.8
Cervical polyp 子宮頸息肉 622.7 622.7
Cervical stricture 子宮頸狹窄 622.4 622.4
Endometriosis 子宮內膜異位 617.9 617.9
Fistula involving female genital organ 女性生殖道廔管 619.9 619.9
Congenital anomalies of genital organ 生殖器官先天畸型 752.9 752.9
Doubling of uterus 雙子宮 752.2 752.2
Amenorrhea 無月經症 626.0 626.0
Dysmenorrhea 痛經症 625.3 625.3
Irregular menstrual cycle 月經週期不規則 626.4 626.4
Menorrhagia 月經過多 626.2 626.2
Oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea 月經過少 626.1 626.1
Premenstrual tension syndrome 經前期緊張徵候群 625.4 625.4
Post-menopausal bleeding 停經後出血 627.1 627.1
Menopausal syndrome 更年期徵候群 627.2 627.2
Post-menopausal atrophic vaginitis 停經後萎縮性陰道炎 627.3 627.3
Benign ovarian tumor 卵巢良性腫瘤 220 220
Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma 黃體囊腫或血腫 620.1 620.1
Ovarian cyst 卵巢囊腫 620.2 620.2
Benign breast tumor 乳房良性腫瘤 217 217
Benign uterine tumor 子宮良性腫瘤 219.9 219.9
Myoma uterine 子宮肌瘤 218.9 218.9
Carcinoma in situ, III 子宮頸原位癌 233.1 233.1
Carcinoma of cervix 子宮頸癌 180.9 180.9
Carcinoma of endometrium 子宮內膜癌 182.0 182.0
Disorder of other female genital organs 其他女性生殖器官疾病 629.8 629.8
Dyspareunia 性交痛 625.0 625.0
Ovarian failure 卵巢衰竭 256.3 256.3
Polycystic ovary 卵巢多囊性囊腫 256.4 256.4
Dysplasia of vagina 陰道細胞化生不良 623.0 623.0
Vaginal stricture 陰道狹窄 623.2 623.2
Carcinoma of vagina 陰道癌 184.0 184.0
Carcinoma of vulva 女陰癌 184.4 184.4
Carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌 183.0 183.0
Torsion of ovarian cyst 卵巢囊腫扭轉 620.5 620.5
Venereal disease 性病 099.9 099.9
Pelvic adhesions 骨盆腔粘黏 614.6 614.6
Vulva dystrophy 女陰發育不良 624.0 624.0
Vulva and perineum non-inflammatory disorder 女陰及會陰之非炎性疾患 624.9 624.9
Hyperprolactinemia 激乳素過多 253.1 253.1
Tubal obstruction 輸卵管阻塞 628.2 628.2
Hydrosalpinx 輸卵管積水 614.1 614.1
Anovulation 無排卵 628.0 628.0
Ovarian dysfunction 卵巢功能障礙 256.9 256.9
Legally induced abortion 合法之人工流產 635.90 635.90
Illegally induced abortion 非法之人工流產 636.90 636.90
Abortion, complete 完全流產 637.92 637.92
Abortion, incomplete 不完全流產 637.91 637.91
Aboriton, missed 過期流產 632 632
Abortion, threatened 迫切流產 640.03 640.03
Habitual abortion 習慣性流產 646.33 646.33
Spontaneous abortion 自然流產 634.90 634.90
Artificial abortion 人工流產(合法) 635.90 635.90
Blighted ovum 靜止卵 631 631
Intrauterine fetal death < 22 wks 子宮內胎兒死亡(小於22週) 632 632
Intrauterine fetal death > 22 wks 子宮內胎兒死亡(大於22週) 656.43 656.43
Cervical incompetence 子宮頸官能不足 654.53 654.53
Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) 產前出血 641.93 641.93
Abortion complication 流產後之併發症 639.9 639.9
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) 產後出血 666.14 666.14
Ectopic pregnancy 子宮外孕 633.9 633.9
Placenta previa 前置胎盤 641.13 641.13
Placenta abruption 胎盤早期剝離 641.23 641.23
Pre-eclampsia 子癇前症 642.43 642.43
Eclampsia 子癇 642.63 642.63
Abnormal glucose tolerance test 妊娠期醣耐量試驗異常 648.83 648.83
Cesarean section (C/S) or perineal wound infection or hematoma 剖腹產或會陰切開傷口之感染或出血 674.34 674.34
Mastitis 乳房炎 611.0 611.0
Post partum endometritis 產後子宮內膜炎 670.04 670.04
Pregnancy—weeks, admission for induction, undelivered 引產(未生產) 659.83 659.83
Pregnancy—weeks and acute abdomen, undelivered 妊娠合併急性腹痛 "648.93+
789.0" "648.93+
Breech presentation, undelivered 臂位產(未生產) 652.23 652.23
Pregnancy weeks with congenital fetal anomaly, undelivered 妊娠合併先天性胎兒異常(未生產) 655.93 655.93
Dysfunctional labor, undelivered 功能不良性分娩(未生產) 661.93 661.93
Failed induction, undelivered 引產失敗(未生產) 659.13 659.13
Gestational diabetes mellitus (DM), undelivered 妊娠性糖尿病(未生產) 648.83 648.83
Hyperemesis gravidarum, undelivered 妊娠劇吐(未生產) 643.13 643.13
Large for gestational age, undelivered 胎兒生長過度(未生產) 656.63 656.63
Small for gestational age, undelivered 胎兒生長不良(未生產) 656.53 656.53
Malpresentation, undelivered 胎位異常(未生產) 652.93 652.93
Pregnancy and mole, undelivered 葡萄胎 630 630
Pregnancy and obstructed labor, undelivered 阻礙性分娩(未生產) 660.93 660.93
Oligohydramnios, undelivered 羊水過少(未生產) 658.03 658.03
Polyhydramnios, undelivered 羊水過多(未生產) 657.03 657.03
Prolonged Pregnancy, undelivered 過期妊娠(未生產) 645.03 645.03
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), undelivered 早期破水(未生產) 658.13 658.13
Preterm labor, undelivered 早產 ( >22 wks, <37wks )(未生產) 644.03 644.03
Preterm labor, undelivered 早產 ( >37wks )(未生產) 644.13 644.13
Previous cesarean section (C/S), undelivered 以前剖腹生產(未生產) 654.23 654.23
Pregnancy in anemia 妊娠合併貧血(未生產) 648.23 648.23
Pregnancy and upper respiratory infections 妊娠合併上呼吸道感染(未生產) 647.83+465.9 647.83+465.9
Pregnancy and urinary tract infection 妊娠合併泌尿道感染(未生產) 646.63+599.0 646.63+599.0
Pregnancy and myoma of uterus 妊娠合併子宮肌瘤(未生產) 654.13+218.9 654.13+218.9
Pregnancy test 未確定驗孕試驗 V72.4 V72.4
Antepartum examination (Supervision of other normal pregnancy) 產前檢查 V22.1 V22.1
Routine postpartum follow-up 產後例行追蹤檢查 V24.2 V24.2
Reinsertion or removal of intrauterine contraceptive device 子宮內避孕重裝置及移除 V25.42 V25.42
Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device 子宮內避孕裝置之植入 V25.1 V25.1
Sterilization 結紮 V25.2 V25.2
Tuboplasty 輸卵管整型 V26.0 V26.0
Checkup 成人健檢 V70.0 V70.0
Routine infant or child health check 兒童及嬰幼兒例行性健康檢查 V20.2 V20.2
Follow for report result 看報告解釋病情 V65.4 V65.40
Issue of medical certificates 開立診斷証明書 V68.0 V68.0
Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00
Abnormal liver function test 肝功能檢驗異常 794.8 794.8
Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Acute cystitis 急性膀胱炎 595.0 595.0
Acute gastroenteritis 急性腸胃炎 558.9 558.9
Acute pharyngitis 急性咽炎 462 462
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎 463 463
Adhesion ileus 腸塞粘連 560.81 560.81
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Anxiety 焦慮症 300.00 300.00
Asthma 氣喘 493.90 493.90
Athropathies 關節病變 716.90 716.90
Bacterial infection 細菌感染 041.9 041.9
Carcinoma of breast 乳癌 174.9 174.9
Cerebrovascular disease 腦血管疾病 437.9 437.9
Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 052.9
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 慢性肝病(571.9)及肝硬化 571.5 571.5
Chronic pharyngitis 慢性咽炎 472.1 472.1
Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎 472.0 472.0
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎 473.9 473.9
Condyloma accuminata 病毒性尖錐濕疣 078.1 078.11
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 372.30 372.30
Constipation 便祕 564.0 564.0
Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚炎 692.9 692.9
Dermatophytosis 髮癬菌病 110.9 110.9
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diarrhea 腹瀉 558.9 558.9
Disease due to viruses and chlamydiae 病毒及衣原菌所致之疾病 078.89 078.89
Disease of breast 乳房疾患 611.9 611.9
Disease of esophagus 食道疾病 530.9 530.9
Disease of respiratory system 呼吸系統之疾病 519.9 519.9
Disorder of back 背部疾患 724.9 724.9
Disorder of eye 眼疾患 379.90 379.90
Disorder of eyelid 眼瞼疾患 374.9 374.9
Disorder of joint 關節疾患 719.99 719.99
Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織之疾患 709.9 709.9
Disorders of male genital organs 男性生殖器官之疾患 608.9 608.9
Dyspnea 呼吸困難 786.09 786.09
Dysuria 小便困難 788.1 788.1
Eczema 濕疹 692.9 692.9
Emphysema 肺氣腫 492.8 492.8
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) 不明熱 780.6 780.6
Frequency of urination 頻尿 788.4 788.41
Functional digestive disorders 功能性消化道疾病 564.9 564.9
Functional disorders of bladder 膀胱功能疾患 596.5 596.59
Functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃道功能障礙 536.9 536.9
General symptoms 一般徵候 780.9 780.9
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Granuloma inguinale 鼠蹊腹股溝肉芽腫 099.2 099.2
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡 455.6 455.6
Herpes simplex 單純性皰疹 054.9 054.9
Herpes zoster 帶狀皰疹 053.9 053.9
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症 272.4 272.4
Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 402.90 402.90
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺機能亢進 242.90 242.90
Hyperuricemia 高尿酸血症 790.6 790.6
Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺官能不足 244.9 244.9
Incisional hernia 切口腹壁疝氣 553.21 553.21
Infection of kidney 腎感染 590.9 590.9
Infertility, female 女性不孕症 628.9 628.9
Infertility, male 男性不孕症 606.9 606.9
Influenza 流行性感冒 487.1 487.1
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Intestinal obstruction 腸阻塞 560.9 560.9
Intrauterine synechiae 子宮內粘連 621.5 621.5
Iron deficiency anemia 缺鐵性貧血 280.9 280.9
Lower abdominal pain 下腹痛 789.0 789.00
Lymphogranuloma venereum 花柳性淋巴肉芽腫 099.1 099.1
Muscle spasm 肌肉痙攣 728.85 728.85
Nephrotic syndrome 腎徵候群 581.9 581.9
Neurosis 神經官能症 300.9 300.9
Nutritional deficiencies 營養缺乏 263.9 263.9
Obesity 肥胖症 278.0 278.00
Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist 肘關節前臂及腕之關節開放性傷口 881.00 881.00
Open wound of fingers 手指開放性傷口 883.0 883.0
Open wound of foot 足部開放性傷口 892.0 892.0
Open wound of hand 手開放性傷口 882.0 882.0
Open wound of knee, leg and ankle 膝,小腿及足踝開放性傷口 891.0 891.0
Oral ulcer 口腔潰瘍 528.9 528.9
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Pneumonia 肺炎 486 486
Post-operative hemorrhage 手術後出血 998.1 998.11
Post-operative wound infection 手術後傷口感染 998.5 998.59
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕性關節炎 714.0 714.0
Rubella 德國麻疹 056.9 056.9
Sebaceous cyst of female genital organs 女性生殖器官皮脂囊腫 629.8 629.8
Secondary hypertension 續發性高血壓 405.99 405.99
Sepsis 敗血症 038.9 038.9
Sprain/strain 扭傷及拉傷 848.9 848.9
Syphilis 梅毒 097.9 097.9
Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) 全身紅斑性狼瘡 710.0 710.0
Thalassemia 地中海型貧血 282.4 282.4
Tinea coporis 體癬 110.5 110.5
Tinea cruris 股癬 110.3 110.3
Tinea pedis 香港腳 110.4 110.4
Upper respiratory tract infections (URI) 上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Uremia 尿毒症 585 585
Urethritis 尿道炎 597.80 597.80
Urinary stone 尿路結石 592.9 592.9
Urinary tract infection (UTI) 尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Urogenital gonorrhea, acute 急性泌尿生殖道淋病 098.0 098.0
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 708.9 708.9
Vertigo 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Viral hepatitis 病毒性肝炎 070.9 070.9
Viral wart 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10
Visual loss 視力喪失 369.9 369.9
Disorder of refraction and accommodation 屈光及調節異常 367.9 367.9
Senile cataract 老年性白內障 366.10 366.10
Cataract, complicated 併發性白內障 366.30 366.30
Traumatic cataract 外傷性白內障 366.20 366.20
Congenital cataract 先天性白內障 743.30 743.30
Lens subluxation 水晶體半脫位 379.32 379.32
Pseudophakia 人工水晶體置換 V43.1 V43.1
After cataract 後發性白內障 366.50 366.50
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 372.30 372.30
Age-related macular degeneration 老年性黃斑部變性 362.50 362.50
Background diabetic retinopathy 背景型糖尿病性視網膜病變 "250.50+
362.01" "250.50+
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 增殖型糖尿病性視網膜病變 "250.50+
362.02" "250.50+
Conjunctivial hemorrhage 結膜出血 372.72 372.72
Acute conjunctivitis 急性結膜炎 372.00 372.00
Allergic conjunctivitis 慢性過敏性結膜炎 372.14 372.14
Chronic conjunctivitis 慢性結膜炎 372.10 372.10
Ptergium 翼狀贅肉 372.40 372.40
Recurrent ptergium 復發性翼狀贅肉 372.45 372.45
Conjunctival lithiasis 結膜結石 372.54 372.54
Conjunctival foreign body 結膜異物 930.1 930.1
Scleritis/Episcleritis 鞏膜炎,上鞏膜炎 379.00 379.00
Conjunctival cysts 結膜囊腫 372.75 372.75
Corneal edema 角膜水腫(非特異性) 371.20 371.20
Superficial injury of cornea 角膜之表淺損傷 918.1 918.1
Recurrent corneal erosions 復發性角膜靡爛 371.42 371.42
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis / Infection keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角結膜炎 077.1 077.1
Interstitial keratitis 間質性角膜炎 370.50 370.50
Punctate keratitis 點狀角膜炎 370.21 370.21
Filamentary keratitis 絲狀角膜炎 370.23 370.23
Corneal foreign body 角膜異物 930.0 930.0
Herpes simplex disciform keratitis 單純泡疹性角膜炎 054.43 054.43
Herpes zoster kertaoconjunctivitis 帶狀泡疹性角膜結膜炎 053.21 053.21
Corneal ulcer 角膜潰瘍 370.00 370.00
Exposure keratoconjunctivitis 曝露性角膜炎 370.34 370.34
Sicca syndrome/sjogren's syndrome 乾眼徵候群 710.2 710.2
Chalazion 霰粒腫 373.2 373.2
Hordeolum externum 外麥粒腫 373.11 373.11
Hordeolum internum 內麥粒腫 373.12 373.12
Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.05
Blepharitis 眼瞼緣炎 373.00 373.00
Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.01
Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 373.32
Ptosis 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30
Paralytic lagophthalmos 麻痺性兔眼 374.21 374.21
Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.11
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma 慢性隅角閉鎖性青光眼 365.23 365.23
Acute angle-closure glaucoma 急性隅角閉鎖性青光眼 365.22 365.22
Ocular hypertention 高眼壓症 365.04 365.04
Promary open angle glaucoma 原發性隅角開放性青光眼 365.11 365.11
Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma 副腎皮質素誘發之青光眼 365.31 365.31
Inflammatory glaucoma 伴有眼部炎症之青光眼 365.62 365.62
Angle recession glaucoma traumatic glaucoma 伴有眼部外傷之青光眼 365.65 365.65
Phacolytic glaucoma 水晶體融解性青光眼 365.51 365.51
Glaucoma 青光眼 365.9 365.9
Blind hypertensive eye/Absolute glaucoma 絕對性青光眼 360.42 360.42
Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired 後天性鼻淚管狹窄 375.56 375.56
Acute dacryocystitis 急性淚囊炎 375.32 375.32
Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管主阻塞 375.55 375.55
Papilloedema 視神經乳頭水腫 377.00 377.00
Optic atrophy 視神經萎縮 377.10 377.10
Optic neuritis 視神經炎 377.30 377.30
Optic nerve injury 視神經損傷 950.0 950.0
Grave's ophthalmopathy 甲狀腺毒性眼球突出 242.00 242.00
Blow-out fracture of orbital wall 眶底閉鎖性骨折 802.6 802.6
Orbital cellulitis 眼窩蜂窩組織炎 376.01 376.01
Vitreous opacity/Floaters 玻璃體混濁 379.24 379.24
Vitreous degeneration / Posterior vitreous detachment 玻璃體變性 379.21 379.21
Retinal breaks/Defect 視網膜破洞 361.30 361.30
Retinal detachment with retinal defect 伴有視網膜破洞之視網膜剝離 361.00 361.00
Tractional retinal detachment 牽引性視網膜剝離 361.81 361.81
Branch retinal venous occlusion 視網膜靜脈分枝阻塞 362.36 362.36
Central retinal venous occlusion 中心視網膜靜脈阻塞 362.35 362.35
Central retinal artery occlusion 中心視網膜動脈阻塞 362.31 362.31
Hypertensive retinopathy 高血壓性視網膜病變 362.11 362.11
Cystoid macular degeneration 視網膜水腫 362.53 362.53
Macular hole/Pseudohole 黃斑部破洞或假性破洞 362.54 362.54
Macular pucker / Epiretinal membrane / Cellophance 黃斑皺褶 362.56 362.56
Central serous retinopathy 中心漿液性視網膜病變 362.41 362.41
Vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃體出血 379.23 379.23
Retinal hemorrhage 視網膜出血 362.81 362.81
Acute / subacute iridocyclitis 急性及亞急性虹膜睫狀體炎 364.00 364.00
Pars planitis/posterior cyclitis 睫狀體扁平部炎 363.21 363.21
Panuveitis 全葡萄膜炎 360.12 360.12
Purulent endophthalmitis 化膿性眼內炎 360.00 360.00
Exotropia 外斜視 378.10 378.10
Esotropia 內斜視 378.00 378.00
Strabismus 斜視 378.9 378.9
Vertical heterophoria 垂直性隱斜視 378.43 378.43
Hypertropia 上斜視 378.31 378.31
Hypotropia 下斜視 378.32 378.32
Diplopia 複視 368.2 368.2
CN6/Abducens palsy 第六或外展神經麻痺 378.54 378.54
Paralytic strabismus 麻痺性斜視 378.50 378.50
Duane's syndrome 狄恩尼氏症候群 378.71 378.71
Contusion of eyeball/Traumatic hyphema/Lens dislocation 眼球挫傷 921.3 921.3
Burning of eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官之燒傷 940.9 940.9
Laceration of skin of eyelid and periocular area 眼瞼及眼周圍皮膚裂傷 870.0 870.0
Ocular laceration 眼球裂傷 871.0 871.0
Benign tumor of eyelid / Canthus 眼臉(包括眼角)皮膚良性腫瘤 216.1 216.1
Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy 糖尿病併多發神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2
Diabetes mellitus with peripheral vascular disease 糖尿病併末稍血管病變 250.70 + 443.81 250.70 + 443.81
Neurosis 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Dyslalia 語言障礙  784.5 784.5
Developmental retardation 發展遲緩 315.9 315.9
Parkinson’s disease 巴金森病 332.0 332.0
Multiple sclerosis 多發性硬化症 340 340
Infantile cerebral palsy 嬰兒腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9
Bell’s palsy 面神經麻痺 351.0 351.0
Brachial plexus injury 臂神經叢損傷 953.4 953.4
Patella femoral pain syndrome 髕股骨痛徵候群 719.46 719.46
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 354.0
Ulnar neuropathy 尺骨神經病變  354.2 354.2
Radial neuropathy 橈骨神經病變  354.3 354.3
Causalgia 灼痛 354.4 354.4
Polyneuropathy 多神經病 356.9 356.9
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 402.90 402.90
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症 272.4 272.4
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 432.9
Acute cerebral vascular disease 急性腦血管疾病 436 436
Old cerebral vascular disease 腦血管疾病後遺症 438 438.9
Hemiplegia 半身麻痺 342.9 342.90
Aphasia 失語症 784.3 784.3
Dysphagia 吞嚥困難 787.2 787.2
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Traumatic brain injury 外傷性腦損傷 854.00 854.00
Common cold 感冒 460 460
Pharyngitis, acute 急性咽炎 462 462
Upper respiratory tract infection, acute 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Bronchitis, acute 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Bronchiolitis, acute 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Stomach functional disorder 胃功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Benign hyperplasia of prostate 良性前列腺增生 600 600.0
Contact dermatitis and other eczema 接觸性皮膚炎或濕疹 692.9 692.9
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Osteoarthritis of knee 膝關節炎 715.36 715.36
Gouty arthritis 痛風性關節病變 274.0 274.0
Chondromalacia of patella 臏骨軟骨之軟化 717.7 717.7
Internal derangement of knee 膝內部障礙 717.9 717.9
Joint contracture 關節緊縮 718.40 718.40
Arthralgia 關節痛 719.4 719.4
Ankylosing spondylitis 關節粘連性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy 頸部退化性脊椎炎併有脊髓病變 721.1 721.1
Cervical spondylosis 頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.0 721.0
Lumbar spondylosis 腰部退化性脊椎炎 721.3 721.3
Herniated intervertebral disc 椎間盤移位 722.2 722.2
Herniated intervertebral disc with myelopathy 椎間盤移位,併有脊髓病變 722.70 722.70
Torticollis 斜頸 723.5 723.5
Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Lumbar spine stenosis 腰部脊椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Coccygodynia 尾骨痛 724.79 724.79
Cervical radiculopathy 頸神經根病 723.4 723.4
Lumbosacral radiculopathy 腰薦骨神經根病 724.4 724.4
Cervicalgia 頸椎痛 723.1 723.1
Thoracic backache 胸背痛 724.5 724.5
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 肩部粘連囊炎 726.0 726.0
Supraspinatus tendinitis of shoulder 肩部椎骨棘上的肌腱炎 726.11 726.11
Medial epicondylitis 內側上髁炎 726.31 726.31
Lateral epicondylitis 外側上髁炎 726.32 726.32
Patellar tendinitis 髕肌腱炎 726.64 726.64
Pes anserinus tendinitis 鵝足肌腱炎 726.61 726.61
Infrapatellar bursitis 髕下滑囊炎 726.69 726.69
Bursitis of hip 髖部滑囊炎 726.5 726.5
Bursitis of wrist 腕部滑囊炎 726.4 726.4
Bursitis of shoulder 肩部滑囊炎 726.10 726.10
Metatarsalgia 蹠痛 726.70 726.70
Achilles tendinitis 跟腱肌腱炎 726.71 726.71
Tibialis posterior tendinitis 脛後部肌腱炎 726.72 726.72
Calcaneal spur 跟骨骨刺 726.73 726.73
Trigger finger 板機指 727.03 727.03
De Quervain’s disease 拇外展及短伸肌腱滑膜炎 727.04 727.04
Tenosynovitis 肌腱滑膜炎 727.00 727.00
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40
Baker’s cyst BAKER氏囊腫(膕窩之滑膜破裂) 727.51 727.51
Rupture of tendon, non-traumatic 非外傷性之肌腱破裂 727.60 727.60
Achilles tendon contracture 腱鞘攣縮 727.81 727.81
Myositis occificans 骨化性肌炎 728.12 728.12
Muscular disuse atrophy 肌肉廢用性萎縮 728.2 728.2
Fibromyositis 纖維肌炎 729.1 729.1
Pathological fracture of vertebrae 病理性脊椎骨折 733.1 733.10
Flat foot 扁平足 734 734
Late effect of intracranial injury 顱內損傷之後遺症 907.0 907.0
Late effect of spinal cord injury 脊髓損傷之後遺症 907.2 907.2
Late effect of sprain and strain 扭傷及拉傷之後遺症 905.8 905.8
Spinal cord injury 脊髓病灶損傷 952.9 952.9
Acquired equinovarus deformity 後天性馬蹄內翻足 736.71 736.71
Leg length discrepancy 腿長不等 736.81 736.81
Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis 脊柱後側凸及脊柱側凸 737.30 737.30
Degenerative spondylolithesis 脊椎滑脫症 738.4 738.4
Spine fracture 脊椎骨折 805.8 805.8
Spine fracture with spinal cord injury 脊椎骨折併有脊髓損傷 806.8 806.8
Sprain and strain of shoulder or upper arm 肩或上臂之扭傷及拉傷 840.9 840.9
Sprain and strain of elbow or forearm 肘或前臂之扭傷及拉傷 841.9 841.9
Sprain and strain of wrist 腕之扭傷及拉傷 842.00 842.00
Sprain and strain of hand 手之扭傷及拉傷 842.10 842.10
Sprain and strain of hip and thigh 髖及大腿之扭傷及拉傷 843.9 843.9
Sprain and strain of knee and leg 膝及腿之扭傷及拉傷 844.9 844.9
Sprain and strain of ankle and foot 踝及足之扭傷及拉傷 845.00 845.00
Sprain and strain of back 背部之扭傷及拉傷 847.9 847.9
Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 老年期及初老年期器質性精神病態 290.9 290.9
Senile dementia 老年期癡呆症 290.0 290.0
Presenile dementia 初老年期癡呆症 290.10 290.10
Senile dementia with delusional features 老年性癡呆症,合併妄想型 290.20 290.20
Senile dementia with depressive features 老年性癡呆症,合併憂鬱型 290.21 290.21
Senile dementia with delirium 老年性癡呆症,併有譫妄 290.3 290.3
Arteriosclerotic dementia 動脈硬化性癡呆症 290.40 290.40
Alcoholic psychoses 酒精性精神病 291.9 291.9
Alcohol withdrawal delirium 酒精戒斷性譫妄 291.0 291.0
Alcohol amnestic syndrome 酒精性失憶徵候群 291.1 291.1
Alcoholic dementia 酒精性癡呆 291.2 291.2
Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis 酒精戒斷性幻覺症 291.3 291.3
Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication 特異性酒精中毒 291.4 291.4
Alcoholic jealousy 酒精性嫉妒症 291.5 291.5
Drug psychoses 藥物性精神病 292.9 292.9
Transient organic psychotic conditions 暫時性器質性精神病狀態 293.9 293.9
Acute delirium 急性譫妄 293.0 293.0
Subacute delirium 亞急性譫妄 293.1 293.1
Organic delusional syndrome 器質性妄想徵候群 293.81 293.81
Organic hallucinosis syndrome 器質性幻覺徵候群 293.82 293.82
Organic affective syndrome 器質性情感徵候群 293.83 293.83
Other organic psychotic conditions ( chronic ) 其他器質性精神病狀態(慢性) 294.8 294.8
Amnestic syndrome(nonalcoholic) 失憶症徵候群 294.0 294.0
如:dementia in syphilis;dementia in epilepsy " 癡呆症 294.1 294.10
"Organic brain syndromes(chronic)
如:organic psychosis" 器質性腦徵候群(慢性) 294.9 294.9
Schizophrenic disorders 精神分裂症 295.90 295.90
Schizophrenic disorders, disorganized type 精神分裂症,無組織性型 295.10 295.10
Schizophrenic disorders, disorganized type, chronic with acute exacerbation 精神分裂症,無組織性型,慢性伴有急性發作 295.14 295.14
Schizophrenic disorders, catatonic type 精神分裂症,緊張型 295.20 295.20
Schizophrenic disorders, catatonic type, chronic with acute exacerbation 精神分裂症,緊張型,慢性伴有急性發作 295.24 295.24
Schizophrenic disorders, paranoid type 精神分裂症,妄想型 295.30 295.30
Schizophrenic disorders, paranoid type, chronic with acute excerbation 精神分裂症,妄想型,慢性伴有急性發作 295.34 295.34
Acute schizophrenic episode 急性精神分裂症發作 295.40 295.40
Residual schizophrenia 殘餘型精神分裂症 295.60 295.60
Residual schizophrenia, chronic with acute exacerbation 殘餘型精神分裂症,慢性伴有急性發作 295.64 295.64
Schizo-affective type 情感性精神分裂症 295.70 295.70
Schizo-affective type, chronic with acute exacerbation 情感性精神分裂症,慢性伴有急性發作 295.74 295.74
Schizophrenia 精神分裂症 295.80 295.80
Schizophrenia, chronic with acute exacerbation 精神分裂症,慢性伴有急性發作 295.84 295.84
Affective psychoses 情感性精神病 296.90 296.90
Major depressive disorder, single episode 重鬱症, 單純發作 296.20 296.20
Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild 重鬱症,單純發作,輕度 296.21 296.21
Major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate 重鬱症,單純發作,中度 296.22 296.22
Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe 重鬱症,單純發作,重度 296.23 296.23
Major depressive disorder single episode, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 重鬱症,單純發作,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.24 296.24
Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode 重鬱症, 復發 296.30 296.30
Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, mild 重鬱症,復發性,輕度 296.31 296.31
Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate 重鬱症,復發性,中度 296.32 296.32
Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, severe 重鬱症,復發,重度 296.33 296.33
Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 重鬱症,復發性,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.34 296.34
Bipolar affective disorder, manic 雙極性情感異常,躁型 296.40 296.40
Bipolar affective disorder, manic, mild 雙極性情感異常,躁型,輕度 296.41 296.41
Bipolar affective disorder, manic, moderate 雙極性情感異常,躁型,中度 296.42 296.42
Bipolar affective disorder, manic, severe 雙極性情感異常,躁型,重度 296.43 296.43
Bipolar affective disorder, manic, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 雙極性情感異常,躁型,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.44 296.44
Bipolar affective disorder, depressed 雙極性情感異常, 鬱型 296.50 296.50
Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, mild 雙極性情感異常,鬱型,輕度 296.51 296.51
Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, moderate 雙極性情感異常,鬱型,中度 296.52 296.52
Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, severe 雙極性情感異常,鬱型,重度 296.53 296.53
Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 雙極性情感異常,鬱型,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.54 296.54
Bipolar affective disorder, mixed 雙極性情感異常, 混合型 296.60 296.60
Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, mild 雙極性情感異常,混合型,輕度 296.61 296.61
Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, moderate 雙極性情感異常,混合型,中度 296.62 296.62
Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, sever 雙極性情感異常,混合型,重度 296.63 296.63
Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, sever specified as with psychotic behavior 雙極性情感異常,混合型,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.64 296.64
Paranoid states 妄想狀態 297.9 297.9
Paraphrenia 晚發妄想性精神病 297.2 297.2
Shared paranoid disorder 誘發性妄想性精神病 297.3 297.3
Psychoses with origin specific to childhood 源於兒童期之精神病 299.90 299.90
Infantile autism, current or active state 幼兒自閉症,發作或活動性狀態 299.00 299.00
Infantile autism, residual state 幼兒自閉症, 殘餘狀態 299.01 299.01
Disintegrative psychosis, current or active state 崩解性精神病,發作或活性狀態 299.10 299.10
Disintegrative psychosis, residual state 崩解性精神病, 殘餘狀態 299.11 299.11
Neurotic disorders 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Anxiety state 焦慮狀態 300.00 300.00
Panic disorder 恐慌症 300.01 300.01
Generalized anxiety disorder 泛性焦慮症 300.02 300.02
Conversion disorder 轉化症 300.11 300.11
Factitious illness with psychological symptoms 偽病伴有心理症狀 300.16 300.16
Phobic state 畏懼狀態 300.20 300.20
Agoraphobia with panic attacks 懼曠症伴有恐慌發作 300.21 300.21
Agoraphobia 懼曠症 300.22 300.22
Social phobia 懼社交症 300.23 300.23
Isolated or simple phobias 單獨或單純畏懼 300.29 300.29
Obsessive compulsive disorder 強迫症 300.3 300.3
Neurotic depression 精神官能性憂鬱症 300.4 300.4
Neurasthenia 神經衰弱症 300.5 300.5
Hypochondriasis 慮病症 300.7 300.7
Somatization disorder 身體化症 300.81 300.81
Personality disorders 人格違常 301.9 301.9
Paranoid personality disorder 妄想性人格違常 301.0 301.0
Cyclothymic disorder 情感循環性人格違常 301.13 301.13
Schizoid personality disorder 分裂性人格違常 301.20 301.20
Schizotypal personality 分裂型人格 301.22 301.22
Compulsive personality disorder 強迫性人格違常 301.4 301.4
Histrionic personality disorder 劇化性人格違常 301.50 301.50
Antisocial personality disorder 異規性人格違常 301.7 301.7
Narcissistic personality 自戀性人格 301.81 301.81
Borderline personality 邊緣性人格 301.83 301.83
Passive-aggressive personality 被動─侵略性人格 301.84 301.84
Sexual deviations and disorders (含paraphilia、pedophilia、necrophilia、bestiality、klismaphilia、zoophilia、coprophilia等) 性心理變態及疾患 302.9 302.9
Homosexuality 同性戀 302.0 302.0
Transvestism 扮異性症 302.3 302.3
Exhibitionism 暴露症 302.4 302.4
Trans-sexualism 變性症 302.50 302.50
Disorders of psychosexual identity(gender identity disorder in children) 性心理認同障礙 302.6 302.6
Psychosexual dysfunction(含sexual desire disorders、sexual arousal disorders、orgasmic disorders、dyspareunia) 性心理性功能障礙 302.70 302.70
Psychosexual dysfunction with premature ejaculation 伴有早洩之性心理性功能障礙 302.75 302.75
Psychosexual disorders(fetishism, voyeurism, sexual masochism) 性心理變態及疾患(fetishism戀物症, voyeurism窺視症, sexual masochism性被虐待症) 302.89 302.89
Gender identity disorder of adolescent or adult life 青春期或成人期性認同異常 302.85 302.85
Alcohol dependence syndrome (alcohol intoxication) 酒癮症候群 303.90 303.90
Drug dependence 藥物依賴 304.90 304.90
Nondependent use of drugs(alcohol abuse) 非依賴性藥物濫用 305.90 305.90
Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors 心因性生理障礙 306.9 306.9
Special symptoms or syndromes(enuresis、encopresis) 特殊症狀或症候群 307.9 307.9
Stammering and stuttering 結巴與口吃 307.0 307.0
Anorexia nervosa 神經性厭食 307.1 307.1
Tics 習慣性抽動 307.20 307.20
Gilles de la tourette's disorder 基列得拉吐瑞氏症候群 307.23 307.23
Stereotyped repetitive movements 常同性反覆動作(撞頭等行為,常見於智能不足患者) 307.3 307.3
Specific disorders of sleep of nonorganic origin (sleepwalking, nightmares, insomnia) 非器質性特殊睡眠障礙(sleepwalking夢遊, nightmares夢魘, insomnia失眠) 307.40 307.40
Disorders of eating(bulimia、pica、psychogenic vomiting、infantile feeding disturbances) 飲食障礙 307.50 307.50
Psychalgia(tension headache、psychogenic backache等) 心因性疼痛 307.80 307.80
Acute reaction to stress(catastrophic stress、posttraumatic stress disorder等) 急性壓力反應 308.9 308.9
Adjustment reaction(separation anxiety disorder、culture shock、chronic posttraumatic stress disorder、concentration camp syndrome、elective mutism as adjustment reaction) 環境適應障礙 309.9 309.9
Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders due to organic brain damage (postconcussion syndrome or encephalopathy) 器質性腦傷後之特殊非精神病性心理疾患 310.9 310.9
Frontal lobe syndrome 額葉症候群 310.0 310.0
Organic personality syndrome 器質性人格疾患 310.1 310.1
Disturbance of conduct(impulse control disorder、pathological gambling、kleptomania、pyromania、intermittent explosive disorder、isolated explosive disorder等) 行為障礙 312.9 312.9
Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence(overanxious disorder、misery and unhappiness disorder、sensitivity, shyness, and social withdrawal disorder、social withdrawal of childhood or adolescence、elective mustism、oppositional disorder、identity disorder、sibling jealousy、academic underachievement disorder等) 特發於兒童期與青春期之情緒障礙 313.9 313.9
Hyperkinetic syndrome of child 兒童期過動症候群 314.9 314.9
Delays in development 發展遲滯 315.9 315.9
Reading disorder 閱讀遲滯 315.09 315.09
Arithmetical disorder 算術遲滯 315.1 315.1
Developmental speech or language disorder 語言及語文發展障礙 315.39 315.39
Coordination disorder 動作協調疾患 315.4 315.4
Psychotic factor associated with physical disease 心理因素合併之身體疾病(如氣喘、潰瘍等) 316 316
Mild mental retardation 輕度智能不足 317 317
Moderate mental retardation 中度智能不足 318.0 318.0
Severe mental retardation 重度智能不足 318.1 318.1
Profound mental retardation 極度智能不足 318.2 318.2
Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核病 011.90 011.90
Diabetes mellitus , type II 第二型糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetes mellitus , type II, with neuropathy 糖尿病所致之多發神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2
Diabetes mellitus , type II, with peripheral circulatory disorders 第二型糖尿病,伴有末稍血管循環疾病 250.70 + 785.4 250.70 + 785.4
Diabetes mellitus , type II, with ulcer of lower limbs 第二型糖尿病,伴有下肢皮膚潰瘍 250.80 + 707.1 250.80 + 707.10
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Obesity 肥胖症 278.0 278.00
Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9
Trans-sexualism with sexual history 變性症伴有性經歷 302.50 302.50
Paralysis agitans 震顫麻痺,巴金森氏症 332.0 332.0
Hemiplegia 半身麻痺,偏癱 342.9 342.90
Infantile cerebral palsy 嬰兒腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9
Quadriplegia 四肢麻痺,四肢癱瘓 344.0 344.00
Paraplegia 下身麻痺,截癱 344.1 344.1
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold) 急性鼻咽炎(感冒) 460 460
Acute upper respiratory infections 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Chronic obstructive asthma (with obstructive pulmonary disease) 慢性阻塞性氣喘(併阻塞性肺炎)
without status asthmaticus 未提及氣喘積重狀態 493.20 493.20
with status asthmaticus 併氣喘積重狀態 493.21 493.21
Chronic liver disease without mention of alcohol 慢性肝病,未提及酒精性者 571.9 571.9
Chronic renal failure 慢性腎衰竭 585 585

Raynaud's syndrome 雷諾徵候群 443.0 443.0
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) 血栓閉塞性血管炎(柏格爾病 ) 443.1 443.1
Varicose veins of lower extremities 下肢靜脈曲張
with ulcer 伴有潰瘍 454.0 454.0
without ulcer or inflammation 未提及潰瘍及發炎 454.9 454.9
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Chronic osteomyelitis 慢性骨髓炎 730.10 730.10
Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3

二、INJURY 二、外傷
Sprains and strains 扭傷拉傷
Sprains and strains of 扭傷及拉傷
Wrist 腕 842.00 842.00
Hand 手 842.10 842.10
Ankle 踝 845.00 845.00
Foot 足 845.10 845.10
Unspecified site 未明示部位 848.9 848.9

Superficial injury 表淺損傷
Superficial injury 表淺損傷
Face, neck and scalp except eye 臉、頸及頭皮,眼除外
without infection 未提及感染 910.8 910.8
infected 伴有感染 910.9 910.9
Trunk 軀幹
without infection 未提及感染 911.8 911.8
infected 伴有感染 911.9 911.9
Shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂
without infection 未提及感染 912.8 912.8
infected 伴有感染 912.9 912.9
Elbow, forearm and wrist 肘、前臂及腕
without infection 未提及感染 913.8 913.8
infected 伴有感染 913.9 913.9
Hand(s) except finger(s) 手 ,手指除外
without infection 未提及感染 914.8 914.8
infected 伴有感染 914.9 914.9
Finger(s) 手指
without infection 未提及感染 915.8 915.8
infected 伴有感染 915.9 915.9
Hip, thigh, leg and ankle 髖、大腿、小腿及踝
without infection 未提及感染 916.8 916.8
infected 伴有感染 916.9 916.9
Foot and toe(s) 足及趾
without infection 未提及感染 917.8 917.8
infected 伴有感染 917.9 917.9
Other 其他
without infection 未提及感染 919.8 919.8
infected 伴有感染 919.9 919.9

Contusion 挫傷
Contusion 挫傷
Face, scalp and neck 臉、頭皮及頸 920 920
Upper limb 上肢 923.9 923.9
Lower limb 下肢 924.9 924.9

Crushing injury 壓砸傷
Crushing injury 壓砸傷
Hand(s) 手 927.20 927.20
Wrist 腕 927.21 927.21
Finger(s) 手指 927.3 927.3
Multiple sites of upper limb 上肢多處部位 927.8 927.8
Foot 足 928.20 928.20
Ankle 踝 928.21 928.21
Toe(s) 趾 928.3 928.3
Multiple sites of lower limb 下肢多處部位 928.8 928.8

Open wound 開放性傷口
Open wound 開放性傷口
Ocular adnexa 眼附屬器官 870.9 870.9
Ear 耳
without complication 未提及併發症 872.8 872.8
complicated 伴有併發症 872.9 872.9
Scalp 頭皮
without complication 未提及併發症 873.0 873.0
complicated 伴有併發症 873.1 873.1
Nose 鼻
without complication 未提及併發症 873.20 873.20
complicated 伴有併發症 873.30 873.30
Face 臉
without complication 未提及併發症 873.40 873.40
complicated 伴有併發症 873.50 873.50
Mouth 口
without complication 未提及併發症 873.60 873.60
complicated 伴有併發症 873.70 873.70
Neck 頸
without complication 未提及併發症 874.8 874.8
complicated 伴有併發症 874.9 874.9
Genital organs(external) including traumatic amputation (外)生殖器官開放性傷口,包括外傷性截斷
without complication 未提及併發症 878.8 878.8
complicated 伴有併發症 878.9 878.9
Multiple sites 多處部位
without complication 未提及併發症 879.8 879.8
complicated 伴有併發症 879.9 879.9
Upper arm 上臂
without complication 未提及併發症 880.03 880.03
complicated 伴有併發症 880.13 880.13
Multiple sites of shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂多發位置開放性傷口
without complication 未提及併發症 880.09 880.09
complicated 伴有併發症 880.19 880.19
Forearm 前臂
without complication 未提及併發症 881.00 881.00
complicated 伴有併發症 881.10 881.10
with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.20 881.20
Elbow 肘
without complication 未提及併發症 881.01 881.01
complicated 伴有併發症 881.11 881.11
with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.21 881.21
Wrist 腕
without complication 未提及併發症 881.02 881.02
complicated 伴有併發症 881.12 881.12
with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.22 881.22
Hand except finger(s) 手 ,手指除外
without complication 未提及併發症 882.0 882.0
complicated 伴有併發症 882.1 882.1
Finger(s) 手指
without complication 未提及併發症 883.0 883.0
complicated 伴有併發症 883.1 883.1
Knee, leg(except thigh) and ankle 膝、腿(大腿除外)及足踝
without complication 未提及併發症 891.0 891.0
complicated 伴有併發症 891.1 891.1
Foot except toe(s) 足部(趾除外)
without complication 未提及併發症 892.0 892.0
complicated 伴有併發症 892.1 892.1
Toe(s) 趾部
without complication 未提及併發症 893.0 893.0
complicated 伴有併發症 893.1 893.1

Injury to 損傷 951.2 951.2
Trigeminal nerve 三叉神經
Facial nerve 顏面神經 951.4 951.4
Median nerve 正中神經 955.1 955.1
Ulnar nerve 尺神經 955.2 955.2
Radial nerve 橈神經 955.3 955.3
Cutaneous sensory nerve, upper limb 皮膚感覺神經 ,上肢 955.5 955.5
Digital nerve 指神經 955.6 955.6
Posterior tibial nerve 脛後神經 956.2 956.2
Peroneal nerve 腓神經 956.3 956.3

Open wound with tendon involvement 開放性傷口,傷及肌腱
Hand except finger(s) alone 手,手指除外 882.2 882.2
Finger(s) 手指 883.2 883.2
Multiple of upper limb 上肢多處 884.2 884.2
Knee, leg(except thigh) and ankle 膝、小腿(大腿除外)及足踝 891.2 891.2
Foot except toe(s) 足部(趾除外) 892.2 892.2
Toe(s) 趾 893.2 893.2
Multiple of lower limb 下肢多處 894.2 894.2
Injury 損傷
Carotid 頸動脈 900.00 900.00
Brachial blood vessels 臂血管 903.1 903.1
Radial blood vessels 橈血管 903.2 903.2
Ulnar blood vessels 尺血管 903.3 903.3
Palmar artery 掌動脈 903.4 903.4
Digital blood vessels 指血管 903.5 903.5
Blood vessel of upper extremity 上肢血管 903.9 903.9
Blood vessels of lower extremity 下肢血管 904.9 904.9

Fracture 骨折
Vault of skull with intracranial injury, open 開放性顱骨穹窿,合併顱內受損 800.90 800.90
Nasal bones 鼻骨骨折
Closed 閉鎖性 802.0 802.0
Open 開放性 802.1 802.1
Mandible 下頷骨骨折
Closed 閉鎖性 802.20 802.20
Open 開放性 802.30 802.30
Malar and maxillary bones 顴骨及上頷骨骨折
Closed 閉鎖性 802.4 802.4
Open 開放性 802.5 802.5
Orbital floor (blow-out) 眶底
Closed 閉鎖性 802.6 802.6
Open 開放性 802.7 802.7
Facial bones 顏面骨
Closed 閉鎖性 802.8 802.8
Open 開放性 802.9 802.9
Multiple fracture with intracranial injury, open 開放性多處骨折,侵及顱骨或顏面骨,合併顱內受損 804.90 804.90
Carpal bone 腕骨
Closed 閉鎖性 814.00 814.00
Open 開放性 814.10 814.10
Metacarpal bone(s) 掌骨
Closed 閉鎖性 815.00 815.00
Open 開放性 815.10 815.10
Phalanx or phalanges 指骨或趾骨
Closed 閉鎖性 816.00 816.00
Open 開放性 816.10 816.10
Multiple fractures of hand 手骨多處骨折
Closed 閉鎖性 817.0 817.0
Open 開放性 817.1 817.1
Tibia alone 脛骨
Closed 閉鎖性 823.80 823.80
Open 開放性 823.90 823.90
Fibula alone 腓骨
Closed 閉鎖性 823.81 823.81
Open 開放性 823.91 823.91
Tibia and fibula 脛骨與腓骨
Closed 閉鎖性 823.82 823.82
Open 開放性 823.92 823.92
One or more phalanges of foot 一個或多個腳趾骨
Closed 閉鎖性 826.0 826.0
Open 開放性 826.1 826.1
Other, multiple and ill-defined fractures of lower limb 下肢之其他多處及診斷欠明之骨折
Closed 閉鎖性 827.0 827.0
Open 開放性 827.1 827.1
Dislocation 脫臼
Finger 手指脫臼
Closed 閉鎖性 834.00 834.00
Open 開放性 834.10 834.10
Foot 足
Closed 閉鎖性 838.00 838.00
Open 開放性 838.10 838.10

Thumb 拇指
without complication 未提及併發症 885.0 885.0
complicated 伴有併發症 885.1 885.1
Fingers 手指
without complication 未提及併發症 886.0 886.0
complicated 伴有併發症 886.1 886.1
Below elbow, unilateral 單側,肘以下
without complication 未提及併發症 887.0 887.0
complicated 伴有併發症 887.1 887.1
At or above elbow, unilateral 單側,肘或肘以上
without complication 未提及併發症 887.2 887.2
complicated 伴有併發症 887.3 887.3
Arm and hand, unilateral 單側之臂及手
without complication 未提及併發症 887.4 887.4
complicated 伴有併發症 887.5 887.5
Arm and hand, bilateral, any level 雙側任何部位之臂及手
without complication 未提及併發症 887.6 887.6
complicated 伴有併發症 887.7 887.7
Toe(s) 趾
without complication 未提及併發症 895.0 895.0
complicated 伴有併發症 895.1 895.1
Foot 足部
without complication 未提及併發症
Unilateral 單側 896.0 896.0
Bilateral 雙側 896.2 896.2
complicated 伴有併發症
Unilateral 單側 896.1 896.1
Bilateral 雙側 896.3 896.3
Below knee, unilateral 單側,膝關節以下
without complication 未提及併發症 897.0 897.0
complicated 伴有併發症 897.1 897.1
Leg(s), at or above knee, unilateral 單側膝關節或膝關節以上
without complication 未提及併發症 897.2 897.2
complicated 伴有併發症 897.3 897.3
Leg(s) 腿部
without complication 未提及併發症
Unilateral 單側 897.4 897.4
Bilateral 雙側 897.6 897.6
complicated 伴有併發症
Unilateral 單側 897.5 897.5
Bilateral 雙側 897.7 897.7
Open wound of genital organs(external) including traumatic amputation (外)生殖器官開放性傷口,包括外傷性截斷 878.8 878.8

Burn 燒傷
Burn 燒傷
Eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官 940.9 940.9
Face and head 臉及頭 941.00 941.00
Trunk 軀幹 942.00 942.00
Upper limb 上肢 943.00 943.00
Hand(s) 手 944.00 944.00
Lower limb (leg) 下肢(小腿) 945.00 945.00
Multiple sites 多處燒傷 946.0 946.0

Burn of body surface (any degree) , less than 10% or unspecified third degree 燒傷體表面積 (任何程度) ,少於10%或體表面積未明之三度燒傷
Less than 10% 少於10% 948.00 948.00
10-19% 10-19% 948.10 948.10
20-29% 20-29% 948.20 948.20
30-39% 30-39% 948.30 948.30
40-49% 40-49% 948.40 948.40
50-59% 50-59% 948.50 948.50
60-69% 60-69% 948.60 948.60
70-79% 70-79% 948.70 948.70
80-89% 80-89% 948.80 948.80
90% or more 90% or more 948.90 948.90

Burn of larynx, trachea and lung 喉,氣管及肺燒傷 947.1 947.1
Toxic effect of carbon monoxide 一氧化碳之毒性作用 986 986

Toxic effect of caustic 腐蝕性之毒性作用 983.9 983.9

Electrocution and nonfatal effects of electric current 電死及電流所致之非致命性後果 994.8 994.8

Late effect of burn 燒傷之後遺症
Eye, face, head, and neck 眼、臉、頭及頸部 906.5 906.5
Wrist and hand 腕及手 906.6 906.6
Extremities 四肢 906.7 906.7
Other specified sites 其他位置 906.8 906.8
Unspecified site 未明示位置 906.9 906.9

Effects of reduced temperature 溫度降低之影響 991.9 991.9

Bites of venomous snakes, lizards, and spiders 毒蛇、蜥蜴、蜘蛛咬傷 989.5 989.5

Elective surgery for plastic surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearance 因不滿意美容外表之整形手術 V50.1 V50.1
Dermatochalasis       眼瞼皮鬆弛症 374.87 374.87
Ptosis of eyelid 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30
Blepharochalasis 瞼弛緩症 374.34 374.34
Hyperpigmentation of eyelid 眼瞼色素沈著,黑眼圈 374.52 374.52
Major anomalies of jaw size 頷骨大小顯著異常 524.0 524.00
Anomalies of nose 鼻畸形 748.1 748.1
Acquired deformity of nose 鼻後天性變形 738.0 738.0
Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin 疤痕病態及皮膚纖維化 709.2 709.2
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4
Disorders of sweat glands 汗腺疾患 (狐臭) 705.89 705.89
Alopecia 禿 704.00 704.00
Hirsutism 多毛症 704.1 704.1
Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79
Dyschromia 異色症 (刺青) 709.0 709.00
Complications due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物、及移植物所致之併發症
Infection and inflammatory reaction 感染及發炎反應 996.69 996.69
Other complications 其他併發症 996.79 996.79
Localized adiposity 局部性肥胖病 (適用於抽脂術) 278.1 278.1

Blepharophimosis 瞼孔縮小 374.46 374.46
Congenital ptosis 先天性上眼瞼下垂 743.61 743.61
Congenital deformities of eyelids 先天性眼瞼變形 743.62 743.62

Accessory auricle 副耳廓畸形 744.1 744.1
Microtia 小耳畸形 744.23 744.23
Anomaly of ear 耳畸形 744.3 744.3

Brachial cleft sinus or fistula 先天性鰓裂竇或廔管 744.41 744.41
Brachial cleft cyst 先天性鰓裂囊腫 744.42 744.42
Preauriculr sinus or fistula 耳廓前竇或廔管 744.46 744.46
Preauriculr cyst 耳廓前囊腫 744.47 744.47
Macrostomia 巨口畸形 744.83 744.83
Anomalies of face and neck 臉、頸畸形 744.89 744.89

Cleft palate 顎裂 749.00 749.00
Cleft lip 唇裂 749.10 749.10
Cleft palate with cleft lip 顎裂伴有唇裂 749.20 749.20

Tongue tie 舌繫帶短縮 750.0 750.0
Macroglossia 巨舌畸形 750.15 750.15

Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of skull, face, and jaw 頭顱、面部及頷骨之先天性肌肉骨骼變形 754.0 754.0
Anomalies of skull and face bones 頭顱及顏面骨先天畸形 756.0 756.0
Down's syndrome 唐氏症候群 758.0 758.0

Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸鎖乳突肌之肌肉骨骼變形 (斜頸) 754.1 754.1

Hypospadias 尿道下裂 752.6 752.61
Epispadias 尿道上裂 752.6 752.62

Polydactyly 多指畸形
Fingers 手指 755.01 755.01
Toes 腳趾 755.02 755.02
Syndactyly 融合畸形
Multiple 多發性 755.10 755.10
Fingers without fusion of bone 手指,不含骨併連 755.11 755.11
Fingers with fusion of bone 手指,合併骨併連 755.12 755.12
Toes without fusion of bone 腳趾,不含骨併連 755.13 755.13
Toes with fusion of bone 腳趾,合併骨併連 755.14 755.14
Reduction deformities of upper limb 上肢之減損畸形 755.20 755.20
Reduction deformity of lower limb 下肢減損畸形 755.30 755.30
Macrodactylia (fingers) 巨指畸形(手指) 755.57 755.57
Cleft hand, congenital 先天性裂手畸形 755.58 755.58
Macrodactylia of toes 巨趾畸形(腳趾) 755.65 755.65

Vascular hamartomas 血管迷走瘤 757.32 757.32

Congenital pigmentary anomalies of skin 先天性皮膚色素畸形 757.33 757.33

Anomalies of breast 乳房畸形 757.6 757.6
Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79

Viral warts 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10
Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9
Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍
Neck 頸部 682.1 682.1
Trunk 軀幹 682.2 682.2
Upper arm and forearm 上臂及前臂 682.3 682.3
Hand, except fingers and thumb 手 ,手指除外 682.4 682.4
Buttock 臀部 682.5 682.5
Leg, except foot 下肢 ,足除外 682.6 682.6
Foot, except toes 足 ,足趾除外 682.7 682.7
Impetigo 膿泡性 684 684
Pyoderma 膿皮病 686.0 686.00
Pyogenic granuloma 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1

Decubitus ulcer 褥瘡 707.0 707.0
Ulcer of lower limbs, except decubitus 下肢潰瘍,裖瘡除外 707.1 707.10
Chronic ulcer of skin 皮膚慢性潰瘍 707.8 707.8

Benign neoplasm of 良性腫瘤
Lip 唇 210.0 210.0
Major salivary glands 主要唾液腺 210.2 210.2
Bone and articular cartilage 骨骼及關節軟骨 213.9 213.9
Connective and other soft tissue 結締組織及其他軟組織 215.9 215.9
Skin of lip 唇部皮膚 216.0 216.0
Eyelid, including canthus 眼臉(包括眼角)皮膚 216.1 216.1
Skin of ear and external auditory canal 耳及外耳道皮膚 216.2 216.2
Skin of face 臉部皮膚 216.3 216.3
Scalp and skin of neck 頭皮及頸皮膚 216.4 216.4
Skin of trunk, except scrotum 軀幹皮膚,陰囊除外 216.5 216.5
Skin of upper limb, including shoulder 上肢(包括肩部)皮膚 216.6 216.6
Skin of lower limb, including hip 下肢(包括髖部)皮膚 216.7 216.7
Breast 乳房 217 217
Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.9 214.9
Hemangioma 血管瘤 228.00 228.00
Pyogenic granuloma 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1
Mucocele 黏液囊腫 527.6 527.6
Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 腱鞘大細胞腫瘤 727.02 727.02
Neurofibromatosis 神經纖維瘤病 237.70 237.70
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫,小針美容後遺症 709.4 709.4
Swelling,mass,or lump in head and neck 頸部及頭部之腫脹或腫塊 784.2 784.2

Malignant neoplasm 惡性腫瘤
Connective and other soft tissue 結締組織及其他軟組織 171.9 171.9
Malignant melanoma of skin 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤 172.9 172.9
Skin 皮膚 173.9 173.9
Female breast 女性乳房 174.9 174.9
Lip, vermilion border 唇,唇紅緣 140.9 140.9
Tongue 舌部 141.9 141.9
Salivary gland 唾液腺 142.9 142.9
Gum 齒齦 143.9 143.9
Floor of mouth 口底 144.9 144.9
Mouth 口部 145.9 145.9

Contact dermatitis and other eczema 接觸性皮膚炎及其他濕疹 692.9 692.9
Corns and callosities 雞眼及胼胝 700 700
Keratoderma, acquired 角皮症,後天性 701.1 701.1
Keloid scar 瘢瘤 701.4 701.4
Alopecia 禿 704.00 704.00
Hirsutism 多毛症 704.1 704.1
Hidradenitis 汗腺炎 705.83 705.83
Disorders of sweat glands 汗腺疾患 (狐臭) 705.89 705.89
Acne 痤瘡 706.1 706.1
Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin 疤痕病態及皮膚纖維化 709.2 709.2
Varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer 下肢靜脈曲張伴有潰瘍 454.0 454.0
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫,小針美容後遺症 709.4 709.4
Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 780.8 780.8

六、BREAST 六、乳房
Benign neoplasm of breast 乳房良性腫廇 217 217
Solitary cyst of breast 乳房單一囊腫 610.0 610.0
Diffuse cystic mastopathy 瀰漫性囊腫性乳房病變 610.1 610.1
Inflammatory disease of breast 乳房之炎症 611.0 611.0
Hypertrophy of breast 乳房肥大症 611.1 611.1
Atrophy of breast 乳房萎縮 611.4 611.4
Lump or mass in breast 乳房腫塊或硬塊 611.72 611.72
Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79
Disorders of breast 乳房疾病 611.8 611.8
Malignant neoplasm of female breast 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 174.9 174.9
Anomalies of breast 乳房畸形 757.6 757.6
Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物及移植物所致之感染及發炎反應 996.69 996.69
Complications due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物及移植物之併發症 996.79 996.79
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4

Facial nerve disorder 面神經疾患 351.9 351.9
Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.00
Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.10
Lagophthalmos 兔眼 374.20 374.20
Ptosis of eyelid 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30
Deformity due to trauma or surgery 外傷或手術造成之眼窩畸形 376.47 376.47
Enophthalmos 眼球凹陷 376.50 376.50
Enophthalmos due to trauma or surgery 外傷或手術造成之眼球凹陷 376.52 376.52
Hematoma of auricle or pinna 耳廓血腫 380.31 380.31
Acquired deformiteis of auricle or pinna 耳廓後天性畸形 380.32 380.32
Deviated nasal septum 鼻中隔彎曲 470 470
Acquired deformity of nose 鼻後天性變形 738.0 738.0

八、EXTREMITIES 八、手、足、肢體
Cellulitis and abscess, fingers and toes 手指及足趾之蜂窩組織及膿瘍 681.00 681.00
Felon 手指指頭疸 681.01 681.01
Onychia and paronychia of finger 手指甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.02 681.02
Onychia and paronychia of toe 足趾甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.11 681.11
Dermatophytosis of foot 足部之髮癬菌病 110.4 110.4

Brachial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 353.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧徵候群 354.0 354.0
Lesion of median nerve 正中神經病灶 354.1 354.1
Lesion of ulnar nerve 尺骨神經病灶 354.2 354.2
Lesion of radial nerve 橈骨神經病灶 354.3 354.3
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 跗隧徵候群 355.5 355.5
Raynaud's syndrome 雷諾徵候群 443.0 443.0
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) 血栓閉塞性血管炎(柏格爾病 ) 443.1 443.1
Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4

Wrist drop (acquired) 腕垂症(後天性) 736.05 736.05
Claw hand (acquired) 爪形手(後天性) 736.06 736.06
Club hand (acquired) 畸形手(後天性) 736.07 736.07
Mallet finger 鎚形手指 736.1 736.1
Boutonniere deformity 鈕口狀切開術變形 736.21 736.21
Swan-neck deformity 鵝頸指 736.22 736.22
Acquired deformities of finger 手指之其他後天性變形 736.29 736.29

Corns and callosities 雞眼及胼胝 700 700
Ingrowing nail 指(趾)甲內生 703.0 703.0
Diseases of nail 指(趾)甲病 703.8 703.8
Traumatic arthropathy, hand 創傷性關節病變,手 716.14 716.14
Traumatic arthropathy, ankle and foot 創傷性關節病變,踝及足 716.17 716.17
Transient arthropathy, hand 暫時性關節病變,手 716.44 716.44
Polyarthropathy or polyarthritis 多發性關節病變或多發性關節炎
Hand 手 716.54 716.54
Ankle and foot 踝及足 716.57 716.57
Synovitis and tenosynovitis 滑膜炎及肌腱滑膜炎 727.00 727.00
Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 腱鞘大細胞腫瘤 727.02 727.02
Trigger finger (acquired) 扳機指(後天的) 727.03 727.03
Tenosynovitis of hand and wrist 手及手腕之肌腱滑膜炎 727.05 727.05
Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Late effect of fracture of upper extremities 上肢骨折之後遺症 905.2 905.2
Late effect of tendon injury 肌腱損傷之後遺症 905.8 905.8

Late effect 後遺症 905.2 905.2
Fracture of upper extremities 上肢骨折
Tendon injury 肌腱損傷 905.8 905.8
Radiation 放射治療 909.2 909.2
Complications of surgical and medical care 外科及內科治療併發症 909.3 909.3
Open wound of head,neck,and trunk 頭、頸及軀幹開放性傷口 906.0 906.0
Open wound of extremities 四肢開放性傷口 906.1 906.1
Superficial injury 表淺損傷 906.2 906.2
Burn of eye,face,head,and neck 眼、臉、頭及頸部燒傷 906.5 906.5
Burn of wrist and hand 腕及手燒傷 906.6 906.6
Burn of extremities 四肢燒傷 906.7 906.7
Burn of other specified sites 其他位置燒傷 906.8 906.8
Burn, except head, neck and extremities 燒傷,頭、頸、四肢除外 906.9 906.9

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