Monday, May 5, 2008


英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy 糖尿病併多發神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2
Diabetes mellitus with peripheral vascular disease 糖尿病併末稍血管病變 250.70 + 443.81 250.70 + 443.81
Neurosis 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Dyslalia 語言障礙  784.5 784.5
Developmental retardation 發展遲緩 315.9 315.9
Parkinson’s disease 巴金森病 332.0 332.0
Multiple sclerosis 多發性硬化症 340 340
Infantile cerebral palsy 嬰兒腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9
Bell’s palsy 面神經麻痺 351.0 351.0
Brachial plexus injury 臂神經叢損傷 953.4 953.4
Patella femoral pain syndrome 髕股骨痛徵候群 719.46 719.46
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 354.0
Ulnar neuropathy 尺骨神經病變  354.2 354.2
Radial neuropathy 橈骨神經病變  354.3 354.3
Causalgia 灼痛 354.4 354.4
Polyneuropathy 多神經病 356.9 356.9
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病 402.90 402.90
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症 272.4 272.4
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 432.9
Acute cerebral vascular disease 急性腦血管疾病 436 436
Old cerebral vascular disease 腦血管疾病後遺症 438 438.9
Hemiplegia 半身麻痺 342.9 342.90
Aphasia 失語症 784.3 784.3
Dysphagia 吞嚥困難 787.2 787.2
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症 733.00 733.00
Traumatic brain injury 外傷性腦損傷 854.00 854.00
Common cold 感冒 460 460
Pharyngitis, acute 急性咽炎 462 462
Upper respiratory tract infection, acute 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9
Bronchitis, acute 急性支氣管炎 466.0 466.0
Bronchiolitis, acute 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍 533.90 533.90
Gastritis 胃炎 535.50 535.50
Stomach functional disorder 胃功能性障礙 536.9 536.9
Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染 599.0 599.0
Benign hyperplasia of prostate 良性前列腺增生 600 600.0
Contact dermatitis and other eczema 接觸性皮膚炎或濕疹 692.9 692.9
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Osteoarthritis of knee 膝關節炎 715.36 715.36
Gouty arthritis 痛風性關節病變 274.0 274.0
Chondromalacia of patella 臏骨軟骨之軟化 717.7 717.7
Internal derangement of knee 膝內部障礙 717.9 717.9
Joint contracture 關節緊縮 718.40 718.40
Arthralgia 關節痛 719.4 719.4
Ankylosing spondylitis 關節粘連性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy 頸部退化性脊椎炎併有脊髓病變 721.1 721.1
Cervical spondylosis 頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.0 721.0
Lumbar spondylosis 腰部退化性脊椎炎 721.3 721.3
Herniated intervertebral disc 椎間盤移位 722.2 722.2
Herniated intervertebral disc with myelopathy 椎間盤移位,併有脊髓病變 722.70 722.70
Torticollis 斜頸 723.5 723.5
Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 724.2
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Lumbar spine stenosis 腰部脊椎狹窄 724.02 724.02
Coccygodynia 尾骨痛 724.79 724.79
Cervical radiculopathy 頸神經根病 723.4 723.4
Lumbosacral radiculopathy 腰薦骨神經根病 724.4 724.4
Cervicalgia 頸椎痛 723.1 723.1
Thoracic backache 胸背痛 724.5 724.5
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 肩部粘連囊炎 726.0 726.0
Supraspinatus tendinitis of shoulder 肩部椎骨棘上的肌腱炎 726.11 726.11
Medial epicondylitis 內側上髁炎 726.31 726.31
Lateral epicondylitis 外側上髁炎 726.32 726.32
Patellar tendinitis 髕肌腱炎 726.64 726.64
Pes anserinus tendinitis 鵝足肌腱炎 726.61 726.61
Infrapatellar bursitis 髕下滑囊炎 726.69 726.69
Bursitis of hip 髖部滑囊炎 726.5 726.5
Bursitis of wrist 腕部滑囊炎 726.4 726.4
Bursitis of shoulder 肩部滑囊炎 726.10 726.10
Metatarsalgia 蹠痛 726.70 726.70
Achilles tendinitis 跟腱肌腱炎 726.71 726.71
Tibialis posterior tendinitis 脛後部肌腱炎 726.72 726.72
Calcaneal spur 跟骨骨刺 726.73 726.73
Trigger finger 板機指 727.03 727.03
De Quervain’s disease 拇外展及短伸肌腱滑膜炎 727.04 727.04
Tenosynovitis 肌腱滑膜炎 727.00 727.00
Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43
Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40
Baker’s cyst BAKER氏囊腫(膕窩之滑膜破裂) 727.51 727.51
Rupture of tendon, non-traumatic 非外傷性之肌腱破裂 727.60 727.60
Achilles tendon contracture 腱鞘攣縮 727.81 727.81
Myositis occificans 骨化性肌炎 728.12 728.12
Muscular disuse atrophy 肌肉廢用性萎縮 728.2 728.2
Fibromyositis 纖維肌炎 729.1 729.1
Pathological fracture of vertebrae 病理性脊椎骨折 733.1 733.10
Flat foot 扁平足 734 734
Late effect of intracranial injury 顱內損傷之後遺症 907.0 907.0
Late effect of spinal cord injury 脊髓損傷之後遺症 907.2 907.2
Late effect of sprain and strain 扭傷及拉傷之後遺症 905.8 905.8
Spinal cord injury 脊髓病灶損傷 952.9 952.9
Acquired equinovarus deformity 後天性馬蹄內翻足 736.71 736.71
Leg length discrepancy 腿長不等 736.81 736.81
Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis 脊柱後側凸及脊柱側凸 737.30 737.30
Degenerative spondylolithesis 脊椎滑脫症 738.4 738.4
Spine fracture 脊椎骨折 805.8 805.8
Spine fracture with spinal cord injury 脊椎骨折併有脊髓損傷 806.8 806.8
Sprain and strain of shoulder or upper arm 肩或上臂之扭傷及拉傷 840.9 840.9
Sprain and strain of elbow or forearm 肘或前臂之扭傷及拉傷 841.9 841.9
Sprain and strain of wrist 腕之扭傷及拉傷 842.00 842.00
Sprain and strain of hand 手之扭傷及拉傷 842.10 842.10
Sprain and strain of hip and thigh 髖及大腿之扭傷及拉傷 843.9 843.9
Sprain and strain of knee and leg 膝及腿之扭傷及拉傷 844.9 844.9
Sprain and strain of ankle and foot 踝及足之扭傷及拉傷 845.00 845.00
Sprain and strain of back 背部之扭傷及拉傷 847.9 847.9

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